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Template:Deck List Mini

Revision as of 04:40, 17 February 2019 by Volrak (talk | contribs) (Created page with "<noinclude> == Usage == The Deck List Mini template displays deck contents in a skinny table, suitable for several deck lists appearing side-by-side. == Parameters == The fi...")
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The Deck List Mini template displays deck contents in a skinny table, suitable for several deck lists appearing side-by-side.


The first parameter is a comma-separated list of fields which will be shown in the deck list. This may be one or more of:

  • cost - The cost in mana of the card
  • type - The type of the card, along with P/T for creatures and shields for supports
  • color - The color of the card
  • rarity - The rarity of the card
  • set - The set containing the card
  • legacy - A legacy banner if the card is from a legacy set

The remaining parameters are the names of the cards to show in the deck list. These must match the corresponding card template names.


The following is an example of how to use this template to document a deck list:


The following shorthand:

{{Deck List Mini
|Champion of Wits
|Ominous Sphinx
|The Locust God
|Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign
|Vizier of the Anointed
|Endless Sands
|Imaginary Threats
|Kefnet’s Last Word
|Swarm Intelligence



Missing card data 
Champion of Wits · Creatures (2/1) · Rare 
Ominous Sphinx 22 · Creatures (6/6) · Rare 
The Locust God 22 · Creatures (8/8) · Mythic 
Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign 16 · Creatures (8/8) · Mythic 
Vizier of the Anointed 10 · Creatures (4/6) · Rare 
Endless Sands 12 · Spells · Rare 
Imaginary Threats · Spells · Rare 
Kefnet’s Last Word

Missing card data 
Riddleform · Supports (2) · Uncommon