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Template:Bonus cards

Revision as of 04:16, 28 February 2019 by Volrak (talk | contribs)


Creates a table explaining bonus cards in an event, or listing bonus card draws which are given in an event node.

Each parameter is a pair of values, separated by a colon:

  • A turn number
  • The name of the bonus card given at the start of that turn

Zero to 5 parameters are accepted.


The following shorthand:

{{Bonus cards}}

{{Bonus cards
|3:Shanna, Sisay's Legacy


Bonus cards Bonus cards
Players draw additional bonus cards from outside their library
Bonus cards Bonus cards 
Turn 1: Weatherlight 16 · Creatures (6/6) · Mythic 
Turn 3: Shanna, Sisay's Legacy 12 · Creatures (2/2) · Uncommon