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287 bytes added, 03:28, 30 December 2018
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|- {{IconAbility|Ascend|{{RIX}}|Whenever When an effect of an a card with Ascend card is performed, if the sum of your creatures, supports, and reinforcements is greater than or equal to 10, you gain the City's Blessing for the rest of the game. Cards with Ascend gain additional benefits when you have the City's Blessing.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Awaken|{{BFZ}}{{ZVE}}|An Awaken ability triggers if a secondary mana cost is paid in addition to the card's main cost. (Auto-casts if the Awaken cost is fully paid.)}}
|- {{IconAbility|Berserker|{{Evergreen}}|Attacks the first enemy creature, instead of the enemy planeswalker.}}|- {{IconAbility|Convoke|{{GRN}}|Costs one less mana for each creature and reinforcement you control, up to the number in the Convoke symbol.}}|- {{IconAbility|Cycling|{{AKH}}{{HOU}}|When you Cycle a card, you draw a card. Cycling triggers when you exile this a card with Cycling from your hand, if you can pay at least the specified amount of mana from your cards in hand's cards (including this one).}}
|- {{IconAbility|Deathtouch|{{Evergreen}}|When this creature deals combat damage to another creature, the other creature is Destroyed.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Defender|{{Evergreen}}|Blocks your opponent's creatures. Your first creature with Defender or Reach is the creature which blocks, if abletries to block first.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Devoid|{{BFZ}}{{OGW}}{{ZVE}}|Gains mana from Void gem matches.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Double Strike|{{Evergreen}}|Deals first strike damage AND regular damage afterwards.}}
|- {{IconAbility|First Strike|{{Evergreen}}|Deals damage before regular damage. The enemy only retaliates if it survives the First Strike.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Flash|{{ZVE}}{{RIX}}{{DOM}}{{M19}}{{GRN}}|Before an opponent's creature attacks, if this card is Disabled, you may cast it for its normal mana cost. (Can also be cast during your turn, like normal.)}}|- {{IconAbility|Flying|{{Evergreen}}|Can be blocked by creatures with Defender or Vigilance only if they also have Flying. (Can be blocked by creatures with Reach.)}}
|- {{IconAbility|Haste|{{Evergreen}}|Attacks the turn it enters the battlefield.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Hexproof|{{Evergreen}}|Cannot be targeted by enemy spells and abilities. (Effects which don't require a target to be selected still affect creatures with Hexproof.)}}|- {{IconAbility|Jump-start|{{GRN}}|Can be cast (and then exiled) from your graveyard. The first Jump-start card in your graveyard gains the mana charged in any card when you exile it from your hand. (Can also be cast from your hand, like normal.)}}
|- {{IconAbility|Legendary|{{Evergreen}}|This is a Legendary card. Some effects only work on Legendary cards.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Lifelink|{{Evergreen}}|Your Planeswalker gains life equal to the combat damage dealt by this creature.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Menace|{{Evergreen}}|This creature is Unblockable unless two or more creatures your opponent controls could block it.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Mentor|{{GRN}}|Whenever this creature attacks, your other creatures with power lower than this creature's get +1/+1.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Prevent Damage|{{Evergreen}}|Damage effects applied to this creature, including combat damage, are reduced to zero. (Other effects, including Destroy, are not prevented.)}}|- {{IconAbility|Reach|{{Evergreen}}|Blocks your opponents creatures, including creature creatures with Flying. Your first creature with Defender or Reach is the creature which blocks, if abletries to block first.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Split Card|{{GRN}}|You can select which side of this card you want to play. Tap the flip symbol on the card to change its side. Mana gained charges both sides, up to a maximum of the cost of the currently selected side.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Stored Mana|{{M19}}{{GRN}}|This card stores extra mana up to a maximum of the number in the Stored Mana icon, and triggers additional effects when cast. (Auto-casts if the Stored Mana is full.)}}
|- {{IconAbility|Transformed|{{SOI}}{{EMN}}{{XLN}}{{RIX}}|Shown on the flipped side of a card with Transform.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Unblockable|{{Evergreen}}|Cannot be blocked.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Vigilance|{{Evergreen}}|Your first creature with Vigilance blocks Blocks your opponent's creatures, if able, if you control no creatures with Defender or Reach.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Cycle|{{AKH}}{{HOU}}|When you cycle a card, you draw a card. Cycling triggers when you exile this card from your hand, if you can pay at least the specified amount of mana from your hand's cards (including this one).}}
|- {{TextAbility|Delirium|{{SOI}}{{EMN}}|An associated effect is triggered if there are 5 or less Gems on the board of the specified color, or the card's color if unspecified.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Destroy|{{Evergreen}}|Destroying a card moves it to the graveyard. Cards are most often destroyed from play, but may be destroyed from other zones like your hand or library. Destroying a token creature or support removes it from the game.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Disable|{{Evergreen}}|Creatures in play which an effect Disables cannot attack, block, and have all their abilities disabled. You may also Disable cards in your hand, to prevent them from auto-casting when they're full of mana.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Discard|{{Evergreen}}|Discarding moves one or more cards from the target player's hand into their graveyard. Unless otherwise specified, cards are discarded starting from the bottom of their hand.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Eternalize|{{HOU}}|When in the graveyard, Activate for the number beside the Eternalize keyword. Matching one or more Activated Gems of your Eternalize creature Exiles the creature, and brings a 4/4 Zombie token copy of the creature into play (minus the Eternalize ability).}}
|- {{TextAbility|Exert|{{AKH}}{{HOU}}|A normal gem becomes an Activated Gem with a timer equal to the number beside the Exert keyword. The timer counts down by 1 at the start of your turn. If you destroy the Gem or the timer reaches zero, the associated effect is triggered, and a new Gem becomes Activated at the start of your next turn.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Exile|{{Evergreen}}|Exiling a card moves it to the Exiled zone. Cards cannot usually be accessed from Exile. Exiled cards are not considered Destroyed and do not go to the graveyard. Exiling a token makes removes it cease to existfrom the game.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Explore|{{XLN}}{{RIX}}|Convert gems equal to twice the number beside the Explore keyword to the colors of the creature targeted by your Explore effect. If a match doesn't happen, also increase the creature's power and toughness by the number beside the Explore keyword.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Fabricate|{{KLD}}{{AER}}|Bring the specified number of Supporting Servo support tokens into play. Each of your Supporting Servo tokens gives the first creature you control +1/+1.}}