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Ravnica at War: Devastation

516 bytes removed, 22:25, 13 January 2023
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{{Infobox event|{{PAGENAME}}}}
{{Infobox RaW}}
[[Ravnica at War: Devastation]] is the first in the [[Ravnica at War]] series of [[Legacy|block-restricted]] [[Coalition]] [[PvP]] [[event]]s that were launched in June 2019 with the [[War of the Spark]] set.
== Overview ==Its {{Ability|Partner}} objective cannot be completed without cards from its associated set.[[Ravnica at War: Devastation]] is the first in the [[Ravnica at War]] series of coalition PvP events launched in June 2019 with Once a Planeswalker has been chosen for a node, another may not be chosen for that node, nor may that Planeswalker be chosen for another node, for the [[War of the Spark]] setwhole event.
Devastation's thematic color is Green. Green is the color of both the event's permanent support, and its one single-color node.
=== Special rules ===
Cards are restricted to the following card sets:* {{ORI}} [[Origins]]* {{GRN}} [[Guilds of Ravnica]]* Block info|{{RNAPAGENAME}} [[Ravnica Allegiance]]* {{WAR}} [[War of the Spark]] 
{{Color restrict}}
{{Locked nodes}}
{{Perma support
|name = Devastation (Green)
|side = both
|image = RaW-Devastation-Support.png
|Whenever you match this support's gem or cast a non-{{Ability|Token|token}} creature, {{Ability|reinforce}} this support. |At the end of your turn, if this support has 8 or more {{Ability|reinforce|reinforcements}}, fetch the first creature from your library and move it to the battlefield under your control. Then all your creatures get +X/+X, where X is the number of this support's reinforcements, and this support loses all its reinforcements.
== Nodes ===== Node 1: Green (top) ===
{{Color restrict|G}}
{{ObjectivesObjective table header}}{{Objective|Objective 1='''Win the Fight!'''|Objective 1 Ribbons=|5|Objective 1 Runes=200}}{{Objective|Objective 2='''Partnership:''' Cast |4 or more cards with {{Ability|Partner3}} during a fight.|{{Objective 2 Ribbons=3|Objective 3='''Nature Defenders:''' Cast |4 or more creatures with any of these subtypes: Druid, Elemental, Elf, Shaman|Objective 3 Ribbons=2}}}|}
=== Node 2: White/Black (left) ===
{{Color restrict|WB}}
{{ObjectivesObjective table header}}{{Objective|Objective 1='''Win the Fight!'''|Objective 1 Ribbons=|5|Objective 1 Runes=200}}{{Objective|Objective 2='''Destroyer:''' Kill |4 or more creatures during a single fight.|Objective 2 Ribbons=3}}{{Objective|Objective 3='''Faithless:''' Cast |4 or more creatures with any of these subtypes: Assassin, Cleric, Spirit, Vampire|Objective 3 Ribbons=2}}}|}
=== Node 3: Blue/Red (right) ===
{{Color restrict|UR}}
{{ObjectivesObjective table header}}{{Objective|Objective 1='''Win the Fight!'''|Objective 1 Ribbons=|5|Objective 1 Runes=200}}{{Objective|Objective 2='''Magician:''' Cast |4 or more spells with cost |param2=12 or less.|Objective 2 Ribbons=3}}{{Objective|Objective 3='''Experimentalists:''' Cast |4 or more creatures with any of these subtypes: Elemental, Human, Vedalken, Wizard|Objective 3 Ribbons=2}}}|}
== Rewards ==
|[[WAR]] Booster Pack x3<br>{{RCJ|5,000||510}}|[[WAR]] Booster Pack x3<br>{{RCJ|5,000||510}}|[[WAR]] Booster Pack x3<br>{{RCJ|5,000||510}}|[[WAR]] Booster Pack x3<br>{{RCJ|5,000||510}}
|[[WAR]] Booster Pack x2<br>{{RCJ|4,000||57}}|[[WAR]] Booster Pack x2<br>{{RCJ|4,000||57}}|[[WAR]] Booster Pack x2<br>{{RCJ|4,000||57}}|[[WAR]] Booster Pack x2<br>{{RCJ|4,000||57}}
|[[WAR]] Booster Pack<br>{{RCJ|3,000||35}}|[[WAR]] Booster Pack<br>{{RCJ|3,000||35}}|[[WAR]] Booster Pack<br>{{RCJ|3,000||35}}|[[WAR]] Booster Pack<br>{{RCJ|3,000||35}}
|[[WAR]] Booster Pack x3<br>{{RCJ|510,000|100120|80}}
|[[WAR]] Booster Pack x2<br>{{RCJ|48,000|7080|60}}
|[[WAR]] Booster Pack<br>{{RCJ|36,000|5060|40}}
|[[WAR]] Booster Pack<br>{{RCJ|24,000|3040|20}}
|[[WAR]] Booster Pack<br>{{RCJ|12,000|10|10}}
{{Event points table
|event=Ravnica at War