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Combat Basics

2,603 bytes added, 06:33, 23 November 2019
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=== Creature Ordering ===
Creatures generally will fill the three creature slots in the order they are cast.

There are a few exceptions to this:

* Creatures with Defender will reorder to the first slot that does not have a creature with Defender in it.
* Creatures with Reach will reorder to the first slot that does not have a creature with Defender or Reach in it.
* Creatures with Vigilance will reorder to the first slot that does not have a creature with Defender, Reach, or Vigilance in it.
* Temporary effects that grant Defender, Reach, or Vigilance will reorder a creature until that effect wears off, at which point, the order will revert using the rules above.

=== Attacking ===
Any enabled creature with a power greater than 0 will attack during the combat phase. The creatures attack in the order of the slot they are in.

=== Blocking ===
When a creature attacks, it is blocked by the first eligible defending creature. A defending creature is any creature with Defender, Reach or Vigilance.

* If the creature has Unblockable, then it will bypass all blockers.
* If the creature has Menace, then it will bypass blocking if there is only one defender, otherwise it will be blocked by the first defending creature.
* If the creature has Flying, then the defending creature must have Flying or Reach.

=== Trample ===
Trample damage is applied after enough damage is applied to match the toughness of the defending creature.

''For example: A creature with a toughness of 5 is hit by a trampling creature with a power of 8, in this case, 5 damage will be applied to the defending creature and the remaining 3 damage will be applied to the defending Planeswalker.''

This is true even if that creature has Prevent Damage or other effects that keep it from dying when taking damage.

=== First Strike ===
First strike damage occurs first, then there is a check for whether one of the two creatures in combat would die prior to the second creature applying any damage.

=== Double Strike ===
Double Strike applies damage in both the FIrst Strike and normal Combat damage phases. In PuzzleQuest, trample damage will apply to both the first and second strike with a double strike creature, even if the defending creature would die from the initial First Strike damage.

=== Berserker ===
A creature with Berserker will "seek" to attack the first eligible creature that the defending player has, even if that creature does not have any defending skills. In this way, a flying creature with Berserker can attack a non-flying creature, but a non-flying creature cannot attack a flying one.