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Heroic Encounters

580 bytes added, 21:40, 19 September 2022
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=== Battle 2 ===
:<small><small><small>Starting Creature : Knight of the White Orchid: Starting Support : Grasp of the Hieromancer<small></small></small></small></small>
{{Objective table header}}
{{Deck List
|Akroan Jailer|Celestial Flare |Grasp of the Hieromancer|Hixus, Prison Warden |Kytheon's Irregulars|Knight of the White Orchid|Relic Seeker|Sentinel of the Eternal Watch |Suppression Bonds |Swift Reckoning
=== Battle 3 ===
:<small><small><small>Starting Creature : Heavy Infantry: Starting Support : Pyromancer's Goggles<small></small></small></small></small>
{{Objective table header}}
{{Deck List
|Archangel of Tithes |Gideon's Phalanx |Heavy Infantry|Knight of the White Orchid|Kytheon's Irregulars|Pyromancer's Goggles|Relic Seeker|Sentinel of the Eternal Watch|Sword of the Animist |Totem-Guide Hartebeest