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1,579 bytes removed, 20:47, 13 September 2022
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A list of things to do to improve the wiki. When an item is done, delete it from the list.
* {{Jewels}}: Top priority items, to do before launch* {{Crystals}}: High priority items
* Add Choose Starting Card as an event special rule (Choose a card out of several options to start in play on your side; i.e. StD and FtH)* Add Gated Nodes as an event special rule (Subsequent nodes only become available and start accumulating charges after the previous node is beaten; i.e. CotC)* {{JewelsCrystals}} Add summary/overview of general event concepts, e.g.
** Typical event structure, i.e. [[Nodes]]
** Player How [[BracketsMatchmaking]]works** Types of [[Rewards]] (progression, individual, coalition)** The meaning of different event types (e.g. PvE vs PvP)** The basics of [[Coalitions]]* {{Crystals}} Create pages for (old) events which aren't yet added* Consider what images Add some Strategy sections to add to each event page to improve event recognisability and visual appeal* Figure out how best to include event-specific or node-specific strategy content to each Event pageevents pages
* Add ways for people to link to external user-created content, particularly for events
** Suggested decks for event nodes
* {{Crystals}} Add pages for the remaining 3 Story levels: [[Training (Story)]], [[Battle for Zendikar (Story)]], and [[Heroic Encounters (Story)]])* Add sections to each Story page summarising each Story Chapter
* Add starting deck and the "theme decks" to each PW page
* Add lore to infobox for each PW (race, birthplace, allies, etc)
* Add concise game-oriented info some Strategy sections to each PW page. E.g. how good the PW is; basic strategy guide for Loyalty abilities (which abilities to use when); what style of deck works best (control/aggro/...); whether the PW is required for specific events; any known bugs; etc (any other pertinent PW-specific info useful to players).* Add a page describing [[Deck slot]]s* Move PW data into data templatespages
* {{Crystals}} Add a section describing some description of set-specific mechanics on each set page* Add a page for Promo cards
* Consider adding set-specific info to each Cards set page, e.g. notable cards, how the mechanics play, feel of power level, lore, etc
* Determine whether/how to present each card's own page (e.g. infobox + card image + basic content template?)
* Add page on [[Crafting]]
* Consider adding pages for tokens and other card-like things, similar to pages for cards
** Creature Tokens
** How the AI chooses a gem match
** How to build a deck
** How to spend resources efficiently
** Guide to Planeswalkers
** Guide to Card Sets
** Guide to Coalitions
* {{Crystals}} Add a Guides portal page showing existing and wanted guides
* Add or fix cross-links between reference pages and guide pages
* {{Jewels}} Determine launch plan* Tweak the Main Page further.** Link Consider linking to other useful mtgpq sitesfrom the Main Page ** Make "card of the day" dynamic (depends on card images uploaded)===Server tasks===* {{CrystalsJewels}} Add a Import card data: [[Community PortalODY]], including some kind of editing guide** Include a maintenance guide[[DvK]], e.g. how to add new sets[[IKO]], PWs[[TOR]], events* {{Crystals}} Add pages on [[GameplayM21]], possibly with sub-pages such as [[Gem boardZNR]], [[GemsPMA]], and [[MatchingKHM]]* Consider granting more access to server operations (Octal9 is helpful but time-limited, there is currently a bottleneck on server tasks). Current server task queue:** {{CrystalsJewels}} Card data: Fix saga mana cost** {{Crystals}} Card data: Upload data template redirects from first name of 2-sided missing card image problem for some card to both//sidessets** {{Crystals}} Card data: Re-upload ZVE and M19 cards with sub-types and abilitiesGet Discord Webhook working** {{Crystals}} Planeswalker data: Export data for [[Sarkhan UnbrokenCategory:Browse]] from** {{Crystals}} Card images: Upload all images, OR add to the external image whitelist and provide an ID for each card image from which the URL can be formed