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75 bytes added, 23:17, 23 October 2019
3.8 Release
===3.8 Release===
* Add M20 card data, then:** Complete the new card set page ([[M20]])** Complete card lists in [[Duets of Mana: Spite and Martyrdom]]** Complete card lists in [[Duets of Mana: Tears and Memories]]
* Complete data and pages for the new PWs
** [[Ajani, Strength of the Pride]]
** [[Vivien, Arkbow Ranger]]
* Add data and pages for the new events
** [[Duets of Mana]]** [[Duets of Mana: Spite and Martyrdom]]** [[Duets of Mana: Tears and MemoriesTrick or Treat]]
* Update the rebalanced PWs
** [[Arlinn Kord]]