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11 bytes added, 08:49, 5 April 2020
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|- {{IconAbility|Adapt|{{RNA}}|When this creature enters play or is {{Ability|reinforce|reinforced}}, {{Ability|Adapt}} Gems will be created such that the number of {{Ability|Adapt}} Gems associated with this creature is equal to the number beside its {{Ability|Adapt}} keyword. When you match this creature's {{Ability|Adapt}} gem, it gains the {{Ability|Adapt}} icon; it's {{Ability|buff|buffed}} for +1/+1; and its {{Ability|Adapt}} ability, if any, is {{Ability|trigger|triggered}}. If the opponent {{Ability|Destroy|Destroys}} your {{Ability|Adapt}} gem, a new {{Ability|Adapt}} gem is created.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Adventure|{{ELD}}|{{Ability|Adventure}} cards are a special type of {{Ability|Split Card|Split Cards}}s with a Spell side and a Creature side. If you cast the Spell side, the Creature side returns to your hand.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Awaken|{{BFZ}}{{ZVE}}|An {{Ability|Awaken}} ability {{Ability|trigger|triggers}} if a secondary mana cost is paid in addition to the card's main cost. (Auto-casts if the {{Ability|Awaken}} cost is fully paid.)}}
|- {{IconAbility|Buried|{{THB}}|A card with {{Ability|Buried}} can be cast from the graveyard when it has mana equal to its {{Ability|Buried}} cost (the number in the tombstone icon) in one of several ways, such as {{Ability|Escape}}, {{Ability|Flashback}}, or {{Ability|Jump-start}}. Matching a Graveyard [[Gems|Gem]] gives 3 mana to the first card in your graveyard with {{Ability|Buried}}.}}