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Basic Gameplay

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= Magic the Gathering: Puzzle Quest = Overview ==
Magic the Gathering: Puzzle Quest (MTGPQ) is a free-to-play match-3 game at heart like Bejeweled or Candy Crush, but it is overlaid with the rich theme and lore of [ Magic the Gathering (MTG)]. You will be collecting cards to build your [[Deck|decks]] and if you play paper MTG, you will recognise the cards in MTGPQ as the card sets follow that of paper MTG. The game consists of battles against an opposing deck which is controlled by the AI. In each match, you play as a [[Planeswalker]] who must engage in duels with an opponent, charging your cards with mana through matching gems to summon creatures, cast supports and cast spells. At the same time, you will gain loyalty points with which to trigger your planeswalker’s abilities. Victory is achieved by reducing the opponent’s life to zero.
== Game Modes ==
The game has 2 primary game modes: [[Story Mode|Story]] and [[EventPortal:Events|Events]]. Story mode is a collection of pre-constructed missions mainly used to familiarise oneself with the game mechanics. It also contains the tutorials introducing the new mechanics of each new set and gives some rewards to help players get their collection started. Events are where the main experience of the game is. There are PvP (playing against other player-constructed decks) and PvE (playing against developer-designed missions) events for one to choose to dabble in for the chance to earn rewards from their progress and/or their final ranking in the event.
[[File:PvE Event Node.jpg|frameless]][[File:PvP Event Node.jpg|frameless]]