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1 byte removed, 11:52, 22 August 2020
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| Projectionist = {{Ability|cast|Cast}} '''{{{2}}}''' supports with cost '''{{{param2}}}''' or more.
| Propagation = {{Ability|cast|Cast}} '''{{{2}}}''' or more cards with {{Ability|Proliferate}} during a fight.
| Protector = Have '''{{{2}}}''' or fewer creatures you control {{Ability|destroy|destroyed}} or {{Ability|exile|exiled}}) during a fight.
| Reanimator = {{Ability|summon|Summon}} '''{{{2}}}''' or more Zombies in a single fight.
| Recruit = {{Ability|cast|Cast}} '''{{{2}}}''' creatures with cost '''{{{param2}}}''' or less.