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8,612 bytes added, 16:43, 24 March 2022
|- {{IconAbility|Berserker|''all''|Attacks the first enemy creature it can, instead of the enemy Planeswalker. A creature with both {{Ability|Berserker}} and {{Ability|Menace}} acts like it does not have {{Ability|Berserker}}.Berserker creatures ignore {{Ability|Disabled}} creatures}}
|- {{IconAbility|Deathtouch|''all''|Whenever this creature deals {{Ability|combat damage}} to another creature, the other creature is {{Ability|Destroy|Destroyed}}.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Defender|''all''|Blocks your opponent's creatures' attacks, becoming their attack target in place of your Planeswalker. Your first creature with {{Ability|Defender}} or {{Ability|Reach}} is the creature which tries to block first.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Adapt|{{RNA}}|When this creature enters play or is {{Ability|reinforce|reinforced}}, {{Ability|Adapt}} Gems will be are created such that the number of {{Ability|Adapt}} Gems associated with this creature is equal to the number beside its {{Ability|Adapt}} keyword. When you match this creature's {{Ability|Adapt}} gem, it gains the {{Ability|Adapt}} icon; it's {{Ability|buff|buffed}} for +1/+1; and its {{Ability|Adapt}} ability, if any, is {{Ability|trigger|triggered}}. If the opponent {{Ability|Destroy|Destroys}} your {{Ability|Adapt}} gem, a new {{Ability|Adapt}} gem is created.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Adventure|{{ELD}}|{{Ability|Adventure}} cards are a special type of {{Ability|Split Card|Split Cards}} with a Spell side and a Creature side. If you cast the Spell side, the Creature side returns to your hand.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Afflict|{{HOU}}|When a creature with {{Ability|Afflict}} is blocked, your opponent additionally takes {{Ability|damage}} equal to this creature's Power.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Boast|{{KHM}}|When a creature with {{Ability|Boast}} attacks, you may drain mana from your hand equal to its {{Ability|Boast}} cost. If you do, it {{Ability|trigger|triggers}} a special effect.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Bravery|{{M21}}|A creature with {{Ability|Bravery}} enters play in the first creature slot, regardless of defensive abilities.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Buried|{{THB}}|A card with {{Ability|Buried}} can be cast from the graveyard when it has mana equal to its {{Ability|Buried}} cost (the number in the tombstone icon) in one of several ways, such as {{Ability|Disturb}}, {{Ability|Escape}}, {{Ability|Flashback}}, or {{Ability|Jump-start}}, or {{Ability|Unearth}}. Matching a Graveyard [[Gems|Gem]] gives 3 mana to the first card in your graveyard with {{Ability|Buried}}.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Changeling|{{KHM}}|A card with {{Ability|Changeling}} counts as having every creature subtype at all times.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Cleave|{{VOW}}|A card with {{Ability|Cleave}} accumulates extra mana up to its {{Ability|Cleave}} value. When the card is cast, its {{Ability|Cleave}} effect is automatically activated if its full cost has been paid. A card with {{Ability|Cleave}} can't have its mana drained or raised.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Converge|{{BFZ}}|Cards with {{Ability|Converge}} have an effect which scales for each different mana color used to pay for the card.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Convoke|{{GRN}}|Costs one less mana for each creature and {{Ability|reinforce|reinforcement}} you control, up to the number in the {{Ability|Convoke}} symbol.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Copy|''all''|A card which is a copy gains the {{Ability|Copy}} icon and may be treated differently by some effects.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Corrupt|{{PMA}}|When you {{Ability|Corrupt}}, you convert a Gem to a Corrupted Gem, and the first card in your graveyard without {{Ability|Buried}} gains {{Ability|Buried}} X, where X is its base mana cost. A Corrupted Gem is a type of {{Ability|Improved Gem}}. When a player destroys a Corrupted Gem, the first card with {{Ability|Buried}} in their graveyard that can gain mana gains 3 mana. If they can't, they lose 3 life instead.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Coven|{{MID}}|The {{Ability|Coven}} ability of your creatures with {{Ability|Coven}} is active if the attack power of at least two of your creatures in play are different numbers.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Cycling|{{AKH}}{{HOU}}{{IKO}}|When you {{Ability|Cycle}} a card, {{Ability|draw}} a card. {{Ability|Cycling}} {{Ability|trigger|triggers}} when you {{Ability|Exile}} a card with {{Ability|Cycling}} from your hand, if you can pay at least the specified amount of mana from your cards in hand (including this one).}}
|- {{IconAbility|Daybound|{{MID}}|A {{Ability|Daybound}} card {{Ability|Transform|Transforms}} to its {{Ability|Nightbound}} side when it becomes night, or if played at night. It becomes night at the end of any player's turn if that player {{Ability|cast}} no cards.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Dayshift|{{MID}}|A {{Ability|Dayshift}} A Dayshift ability {{Ability|trigger|triggers}} whenever day changes to night or night changes to day.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Decayed|{{MID}}|Creatures with {{Ability|Decayed}} have {{Ability|Can't Attack}}. In your attack phase, you can choose to remove {{Ability|Can't Attack}} from your {{Ability|Decayed}} creature. If you do, the creature gains {{Ability|Imminent Death}}.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Devoid|{{BFZ}}{{OGW}}{{ZVE}}|Gains mana from Void Gem matches. Void Gems are created by cards with {{Ability|Ingest}}.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Devotion|{{THB}}|Some abilities become more powerful if you have a higher {{Ability|Devotion}} to a color. Your {{Ability|Devotion}} to a color is the number of mono-colored, non-{{Ability|copy}} cards of that color you've cast during the current fight.}}
|- {{IconAbility|ExperienceDisturb|{{DvKMID}}|Some cards with {{Ability|Buried}} also have {{Ability|Disturb}}. When you match colored [[Gems]], the first card of that color with {{Ability|Disturb}} in your graveyard gains 3 mana. When a card with {{Ability|Disturb}} is cast from the graveyard, it enters play {{Ability|Transformed}}.}}|- {{IconAbility|Dungeon|{{AFR}}|A {{Ability|Dungeon}} is a support {{Ability|Token}} from outside of the game which has a [[Dungeons|sequence of connected rooms]]. These rooms can be encountered and their effects performed by {{Ability|Venture|Venturing into the Dungeon}}. When a you complete the last room of a {{Ability|Dungeon}}, you gain {{Ability|Dungeon Spoils}}.}}|- {{IconAbility|Dungeon Spoils|{{AFR}}|When you complete a {{Ability|Dungeon}}, you gain {{Ability|Dungeon Spoils}} from that Dungeon. Some cards have beneficial effects or abilities or effects become more powerful which are only active if your Planeswalker has more you have {{Ability|ExperienceDungeon Spoils}} points.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Enchanted|{{THB}}|Some cards grant or remove an {{Ability|Enchanted}} effect, which may be positive or negative, to a creature in play. Enchanted creatures gain the {{Ability|Enchanted}} icon.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Enhance|{{STX}}|When a card with {{Ability|Enhance}} enters your hand from anywhere, the specified number of normal [[Gems]] become {{Ability|Enhanced}} Gems.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Enhanced|{{STX}}|Matching an {{Ability|Enhanced}} [[Gems|Gem]] with a swap adds 1 to the first {{Ability|Enhanced}} value of a card in your hand not already at its maximum. Cards which are {{Ability|Enhanced}} gain more powerful effects, or lose drawbacks.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Equip|{{ZNR}}|When a creature you control attacks, cards with {{Ability|Equip}} in your hand gain the specified amount of mana.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Escape|{{THB}}|Some cards with {{Ability|Buried}} also have {{Ability|Escape}}. A card in the graveyard with {{Ability|Escape}} can only be cast from the graveyard if it has full mana and you have 3 other cards in your graveyard, which are {{Ability|Exile|Exiled}} when the {{Ability|Escape}} card is cast.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Experience|{{DvK}}|Some abilities or effects become more powerful if your Planeswalker has more {{Ability|Experience}} points.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Exploit|{{VOW}}|When a creature with {{Ability|Exploit}} enters the battlefield, if you replaced another creature with this creature, this creature's associated {{Ability|Exploit}} effect is performed.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Flash|{{ZVE}}{{RIX}}{{DOM}}{{M19}}{{GRN}}|Before an opponent's creature attacks, if this card is {{Ability|Disable|Disabled}}, you may cast it for its normal mana cost. (Can also be cast during your turn, like normal.)}}
|- {{IconAbility|Flashback|{{ODY}}|Some cards with {{Ability|Buried}} also have {{Ability|Flashback}}. As well as being able to gain mana from Graveyard [[Gems]] like all {{Ability|Buried}} cards, the first {{Ability|Flashback}} card in your graveyard gains 2 mana when another card with {{Ability|Flashback}} enters the graveyard. If a card with {{Ability|Flashback}} is cast from the graveyard, it is {{Ability|Exile|Exiled}}.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Herald|{{KHM}}|When you have a support card in your hand with {{Ability|Herald}}, if you already have the same card in play, the cost of the card in hand becomes the card's {{Ability|Herald}} cost, and when it's {{Ability|cast}}, its {{Ability|Herald}} creature {{Ability|Token}} enters play instead of the support card.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Hexproof|''all''|Cannot be targeted by enemy spells and abilities. (Effects which don't require a target to be selected still affect creatures with {{Ability|Hexproof}}.)}}
|- {{IconAbility|Hired|{{AFR}}|When a card gains mana from a treasure {{Ability|Token}} on the gem board, that card gains {{Ability|Hired}}. Some cards have effects or abilities which are only active if the card is {{Ability|Hired}}.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Ignite|{{PMA}}|When you {{Ability|Ignite}}, you convert a [[Gems|Gem]] to an Ignited Gem. An Ignited Gem is a type of {{Ability|Improved Gem}} which, when destroyed on the [[Gem board]], destroys a 3x3 block of gems around it.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Imminent Death|{{MID}}|At the end of every turn, each creature with {{Ability|Imminent Death}} loses a {{Ability|reinforce|reinforcement}}, or if it can't, it's {{Ability|Destroy|destroyed}}.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Invoke|{{STX}}|When a card with {{Ability|Invoke}} enters your hand from anywhere, you may choose to replace it with the card named by the {{Ability|Invoke}} ability. If you do, the card with {{Ability|Invoke}} is {{Ability|Exile|Exiled}}, and the replacement card gains the {{Ability|Invoked}} status.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Invoked|{{STX}}|A card gains {{Ability|Invoked}} when you swap out an {{Ability|Invoke}} card for it. Cards with {{Ability|Invoke}} include an effect which only occurs if they do not have the {{Ability|Invoked}} status. An {{Ability|Invoked}} card may not be {{Ability|Invoked}} again.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Jump-start|{{GRN}}|Some cards with {{Ability|Buried}} also have {{Ability|Jump-start}}. As well as being able to gain mana from Graveyard [[Gems]] like all {{Ability|Buried}} cards, the first {{Ability|Jump-start}} card in your graveyard gains the mana charged in any card {{Ability|Exile|Exiled}} from your hand. If a card with {{Ability|Jump-start}} is cast from the graveyard, it is {{Ability|Exile|Exiled}}.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Kicker|{{ZNR}}|When you {{Ability|cast}} a card or activate an ability with {{Ability|Kicker}}, you may drain additional mana from cards in your hand to {{Ability|trigger}} its {{Ability|Kicker}} effect.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Landforming|{{ZNR}}|When you cast a card with {{Ability|Landforming}}, if you made a horizontal match with a swap in the same turn, the card's {{Ability|Landforming}} effect is {{Ability|trigger|triggered}}.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Leader|{{DOM}}{{M19}}{{GRN}}{{ZNR}}|Your {{Ability|Leader}} creature {{Ability|Exile|Exiles}} your {{Ability|Token}} creatures of the specified subtype and converts each one into a {{Ability|reinforce|reinforcement}} of itself. This effect occurs both as the {{Ability|Leader}} enters play, and as you play any {{Ability|Token}} creatures of the specified subtype.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Learn|{{STX}}|When a {{Ability|Learn}} effect is {{Ability|trigger|triggered}}, you choose a {{Ability|Lesson}} card to add to your hand. Each card with {{Ability|Learn}} has its own selection of {{Ability|Lesson}} cards, which are listed here: [[Learn cards]].}}
|- {{IconAbility|Legendary|''all''|This is a {{Ability|Legendary}} card. Some effects only work on {{Ability|Legendary}} cards.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Lesson|{{STX}}|A card with {{Ability|Lesson}} means it can appear as a possible choice of a card to receive for the {{Ability|Learn}} effect of at least one card.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Level|{{STX}}|Cards with {{Ability|Level}} become more powerful when their {{Ability|Level}} is higher. Their {{Ability|Level}} may be increased or decreased by effects and abilities.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Lifelink|''all''|Your Planeswalker gains life equal to the {{Ability|combat damage}} dealt by this creature.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Magecraft|{{STX}}|Whenever you {{Ability|cast}} a spell or {{Ability|Copy}} a spell, your cards in play with {{Ability|Magecraft}} {{Ability|trigger}} their {{Ability|Magecraft}} abilities. A card can trigger its {{Ability|Magecraft}} ability a number of times per turn up to the number in its {{Ability|Magecraft}} icon.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Mana Field|{{PMA}}|A support with {{Ability|Mana Field}} {{Ability|trigger|triggers}} its {{Ability|Mana Field}} ability when any [[Gems|Gem]] on the [[Gem board]] is matched adjacent or diagonally adjacent to the support.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Meld|{{EMN}}|When this creature and another specified creature are both in play on your side, they {{Ability|Meld}} to form a single {{Ability|Melded}} creature.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Mutate|{{IKO}}|A card with {{Ability|Mutate}} may be {{Ability|cast}} as a {{Ability|Mutation}} targeting a non-{{Ability|Token}} creature you control which has not already gained a {{Ability|Mutation}}. If you do, that creature gains the {{Ability|Mutation}} ability written on the card with {{Ability|Mutate}}, and is {{Ability|reinforce|reinforced}}.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Mutation|{{IKO}}|A card gains the {{Ability|Mutation}} icon, and cannot gain further {{Ability|Mutation|Mutations}}, once it has been the target of a card with {{Ability|Mutate}} cast as a {{Ability|Mutation}}. Each {{Ability|Mutation}} ability of a creature, whether an original Mutation ability of the card or one granted by another card with {{Ability|Mutate}}, {{Ability|trigger|triggers}} each time that creature is {{Ability|reinforce|reinforced}} via {{Ability|cast|casting}}.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Nightbound|{{MID}}|A {{Ability|Nightbound}} card {{Ability|Transform|Transforms}} to its {{Ability|Daybound}} side when it becomes day. It becomes day at the end of any player's turn if that player {{Ability|cast}} at least two cards.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Outcast|{{VOW}}|A card with {{Ability|Outcast}} must be played on the current turn or it will be {{Ability|Exile|exiled}}. When this card is moved to anywhere other than the battlefield, {{Ability|Exile|exile}} it. At the end of this turn, if this card is not {{Ability|Exile|exiled}}, {{Ability|Exile|exile}} it.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Party|{{ZNR}}|Your {{Ability|Party}} consists of up to one each of a Cleric, Rogue, Warrior, and Wizard amongst creatures and supports you control. {{Ability|Party}} effects on your cards are {{ability|trigger|triggered}} if the corresponding {{Ability|Party}} condition is met. (If a creature or support has more than one party subtype, it only counts as one party member.)}}
|- {{IconAbility|Prevent Damage|''all''|{{Ability|damage|Damage}} effects applied to this creature or Planeswalker, including {{Ability|combat damage}}, are reduced to zero. (Other effects, including {{Ability|Destroy}}, are not prevented.)}}
|- {{IconAbility|Resilient|{{THB}}|After being matched (and losing 1 shield), a support gem in play with {{Ability|Resilient}} gains 1 shield, then changes its color.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Riot|{{RNA}}|When this creature enters play, choose one: It gets a +1/+1 {{Ability|buff}}, or it gains {{Ability|Haste}}.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Roll a D20|{{AFR}}|When a {{Ability|Roll a D20}} effect is {{Ability|trigger|triggered}}, the [[Gem board]] is {{Ability|Shuffle|Shuffled}}, then a random D20 roll (in the range 1-20) is made. An effect on the card which caused the roll is performed, its strength depending on the result of the roll.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Snow|{{KHM}}|Each {{Ability|Snow}} [[Gems|Gem]] destroyed in a Gem match gives 1 extra mana to the first card in your hand with {{Ability|Snow}} which doesn't have full mana. Some cards with {{Ability|Snow}} become more powerful if there are enough {{Ability|Snow}} Gems on the [[Gem board]].}}
|- {{IconAbility|Split Card|{{GRN}}|You can select which side of this card you want to play. Tap the flip symbol on the card to change its side. Mana gained charges both sides, up to a maximum of the cost of the currently selected side.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Stored Mana|{{M19}}{{GRN}}|This card stores extra mana up to a maximum of the number in the {{Ability|Stored Mana}} icon, and {{Ability|trigger|triggers}} additional effects when cast. (Auto-casts if the Stored Mana is full.) A Stored Mana card can't have its mana drained or raised.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Token|''all''|Creature or supports created by other cards or abilities enter play as a {{Ability|Token}}. If a token would enter a graveyard, hand, library, or the {{Ability|Exile}} zone, it's removed from the game instead.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Training|{{VOW}}|At the begining of combat on your turn, your creature with {{Ability|Training}} gets a +1/+1 {{Ability|buff}} if you control another creature with power greater than this creature's.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Transform|{{SOI}}{{EMN}}{{XLN}}{{RIX}}|When the specified conditions are met, this card becomes {{Ability|Transformed}}, flipping to its other side.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Transformed|{{SOI}}{{EMN}}{{XLN}}{{RIX}}|Shown on the flipped side of a card with {{Ability|Transform}}.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Unearth|{{PMA}}|Some cards with {{Ability|Buried}} also have {{Ability|Unearth}}. When a card with {{Ability|Unearth}} is {{Ability|cast}} from the graveyard, it gains {{Ability|Unearthed}} and {{Ability|Haste}}, and is returned to play with all its {{Ability|reinforce|reinforcements}}.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Unearthed|{{PMA}}|At the end of the turn, or when it dies, a creature with {{Ability|Unearthed}} is {{Ability|Exile|exiled}}.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Vanguard|{{WAR}}|A {{Ability|Vanguard}} is a special support card representing a Planeswalker. Vanguards have activated abilities which increase or decrease the shield amount to perform an effect, and can be used once per turn per Vanguard. Vanguards are considered {{Ability|Legendary}}, and are also only affected by effects which specifically name Vanguards as targets.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Venture|{{AFR}}|When you {{Ability|Venture|Venture into the Dungeon}}, if you don't have one already, you choose from several {{Ability|Dungeon}} support {{Ability|Token|Tokens}} to enter play under your control. Each time you {{Ability|Venture}}, the {{Ability|Dungeon}} advances to the next room according to your chosen path through the Dungeon. Each room {{Ability|trigger|triggers}} an effect when entered.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Ward|{{STX}}|Your creature in play with {{Ability|Ward}} gains {{Ability|Hexproof}} during the opponent's turn unless they pays the creature's {{Ability|Ward}} cost. The opponent may choose to do this when they make their first swap on their turn, if they have a spell with full mana in their hand.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Afterlife|{{RNA}}|Whenever a creature with {{Ability|Afterlife}} dies or loses a {{Ability|reinforce|reinforcement}}, create the specified number of Orzhov Spirits (1/1 flying {{Ability|Token}} creature).}}
|- {{TextAbility|Aftermath|{{HOU}}|When in the graveyard, {{Ability|Activate}} for the number beside the {{Ability|Aftermath}} keyword on the back of the card. Matching one or more {{Ability|Activate|Activated}} Gems of your {{Ability|Aftermath}} card {{Ability|trigger|triggers}} the effect on the back of the card, and then {{Ability|Exile|Exiles}} the card.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Alignment|{{AFR}}|An associated effect is {{Ability|trigger|triggered}} the first time you {{Ability|cast}} a monocolored card each turn.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Amass|{{WAR}}|Create the specified number of Zombie Army {{Ability|token|tokens}} [1/1, with "At 0+ reinforcements, gain +1/+1; at 8+ reinforcements, gain {{Ability|Afflict}}; and at 12+ reinforcements, gain +2/+2"].}}
|- {{TextAbility|Anticipation|{{THB}}|Whenever you cast a card during your opponent's turn (such as a card with {{Ability|Flash}}), the {{Ability|Anticipation}} effect is {{Ability|trigger|triggered}} on all of your cards in play with {{Ability|Anticipation}}.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Basic Evergreen|{{IKO}}|Refers to a set of basic icon abilities: {{Ability|Berserker}}, {{Ability|Deathtouch}}, {{Ability|Defender}}, {{Ability|Double Strike}}, {{Ability|First Strike}}, {{Ability|Flying}}, {{Ability|Hexproof}}, {{Ability|Lifelink}}, {{Ability|Menace}}, {{Ability|Reach}}, {{Ability|Trample}}, and {{Ability|Vigilance}}.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Bloodletting|{{MID}}|Your creatures' {{Ability|Bloodletting}} abilities are active as long as your opponent has lost life this turn.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Can't Attack|''all''|A creature with {{Ability|Can't Attack}} can't attack.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Can't Block|''all''|A creature with {{Ability|Can't Block}} can't block.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Casting a Spell|{{MID}}|A {{Ability|Casting a Spell}} effect on a card in play is {{Ability|trigger|triggered}} whenever you {{Ability|cast}} a Spell card.}}
|- {{TextAbility|City's Blessing|{{RIX}}|Some abilities become more powerful if you have the {{Ability|City's Blessing}}. You gain the {{Ability|City's Blessing}} for the rest of the game when you play a card with {{Ability|Ascend}} if the sum of your creatures, supports, and {{Ability|reinforce|reinforcements}} is greater than or equal to 10.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Companion|{{IKO}}|If your deck meets the condition in the {{Ability|Companion}} tooltip, your cards in play with {{Ability|Companion}} gain the {{Ability|Companion}} ability described on the card.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Ferocious|{{THB}}|While you control a creature with a base power of at least 5, all of your creatures in play with {{Ability|Ferocious}} have their associated {{Ability|Ferocious}} effect active.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Fight|{{M20}}|When two creatures {{Ability|Fight}}, each creature deals damage equal to its power to the other creature.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Food|{{ELD}}|Your effects which create {{Ability|Food}} bring 1/1 {{Ability|Token|token}} supports with 1 shield into play on your side. When one of your {{Ability|Food}} Tokens is matched or destroyed by anyoneyou, you gain 3 life. Other creatures or supports in play other than Food Tokens may also have the Food sub-type.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Heroic|{{THB}}|Whenever you cast a spell targeting your creature with {{Ability|Heroic}}, its associated {{Ability|Heroic}} effect is {{Ability|trigger|triggered}}.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Historic|{{DOM}}|Your cards with the {{Ability|Historic}} ability have their associated effect {{Ability|trigger|triggered}} by any {{Ability|Legendary}} card(including [[Gems#Vanguard|Vanguard]]s), Artifact, or {{Ability|Saga}} being played on your side, or being in play on your side.}}|- {{TextAbility|Improved Gem|{{PMA}}|An {{Ability|Ignite|Ignited}} gem counts as a type gems and {{Ability|Corrupt|Corrupted}} gems are the two types of {{Ability|Improved Gem}}.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Ingest|{{BFZ}}{{OGW}}{{ZVE}}|The specified number of normal Gems of your opponent's color become Void Gems. Void Gems may be consumed by a {{Ability|Process|Process}} ability, or matched on the board. Matching Void Gems only gives mana to cards with {{Ability|Devoid}}.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Investigate|{{SOI}}|A normal gem becomes an {{Ability|Activate|Activated}} Gem with a two-turn timer. The timer counts down by 1 at the start of your turn. If any player matches your {{Ability|Investigate}} Gem or its timer reaches zero, you {{Ability|draw}} a card.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Overflow|{{M20}}|When you draw a card with {{Ability|Overflow}}, if you then have 5 or more cards, you may {{Ability|exile}} that card to trigger the associated effect.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Overload|{{KLD}}{{AER}}|Each of your {{Ability|Overload}} abilities of a specified number is {{Ability|trigger|triggered}} any time you {{Ability|Destroy}} that many or more [[#Energize|Energized]] Gems in a single match.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Pack Tactics|{{AFR}}|The {{Ability|Pack Tactics}} effects of your cards in play are {{Ability|trigger|triggered}} at the start of combat on your turn, if you control 2 or more {{Ability|buff|buffed}} creatures.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Partner|{{WAR}}|An associated effect is triggered if you control a {{Ability|Vanguard}} support.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Populate|{{M21}}|{{Ability|reinforce|Reinforce}} the first creature {{Ability|Token|token}} you control with the greatest base power.}}