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Heroic Encounters

2,670 bytes added, 00:47, 11 January 2023
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All the encounters are against [[deck]]s built of mostly if not all [[Origins]] [[card]]s.
The [[Runes|Mana Rune]] rewards for winning on each node the game and completing objectives first time are unusually high: 1760 or more. Subsequent wins give 250 Runes, also the highest of Story mode. The reward for winning with Planeswalkers of all five colors is 15 Crystals, rather than the 10 that the origins Story gives.
== Heroic Encounters ==
{{Deck List
|Abbott Abbot of Keral Keep
|Avaricious Dragon
|Chandra's Ignition
|Titan's Strength
=== Battle 5 ===
== Heroic — Liliana ==
The third battle has mutually exclusive objectives.
Move cheap cards to the top of hand and disable them, and keep moving less desirable ones to the bottom.
=== Battle 1 ===
:<small><small><small>Starting Support : Demonic Pact<small></small></small></small></small>
{{Objective table header}}
{{Deck List
|Dark Petition |Demonic Pact|Despoiler of Souls|Erebos's Titan|Fetid Imp |Infinite Obliteration|Nightsnare |Kothophed, Soul Hoarder |Tormented Thoughts|Unholy Hunger
=== Battle 2 ===
:<small><small><small>Starting Creature Despoiler of Souls : <small></small></small></small></small>
{{Objective table header}}
{{Deck List
|Dark Petition |Demonic Pact|Despoiler of Souls|Erebos's Titan |Fetid Imp|Fleshbag Marauder |Graveblade Marauder |Possessed Skaab |Priest of the Blood Rite |Unholy Hunger
=== Battle 3 ===
Must be played twice to complete both secondary objectives.
:<small><small><small>Starting Creature : Shambling Ghoul<small></small></small></small></small>
{{Objective table header}}
{{Deck List
|Consecrated by Blood |Cruel Revival|Dark Petition |Fleshbag Marauder |Nantuko Husk|Possessed Skaab |Returned Centaur |Revenant we|Shambling Ghoul|Undead Servant
=== Battle 4 ===
:<small><small><small>Starting Support : Blightcaster<small></small></small></small></small>
{{Objective table header}}
{{Deck List
|Blightcaster|Brawler's Plate |Erebos's Titan|Fetid Imp |Graveblade Marauder |Infernal Scarring|Pyromancer's Goggles |Throwing Knife|Unholy Hunger |Veteran's Sidearm
=== Battle 5 ===
:<small><small><small>Starting Creature : Graveblade Marauder<small></small></small></small></small>
{{Objective table header}}
{{Deck List
|Demonic Pact|Erebos's Titan |Eyeblight Assassin|Fetid Imp |Gilt-Leaf Winnower |Gnarlroot Trapper |Graveblade Marauder|Infinite Obliteration |Shaman of the Pack|Unholy Hunger
=== Battle 1 ===
:<small><small><small>Starting Supports : Sigil of the Empty Throne. Starfield of Nyx<small></small></small></small></small>
{{Objective table header}}
{{Deck List
|Brawler's Plate |Grasp of the Hieromancer |Hixus, Prison Warden|Knightly Valor |Mage-Ring Network |Murder Investigation |Sigil of the Empty Throne|Sigil of Valor |Starfield of Nyx |Suppression Bonds
=== Battle 2 ===
:<small><small><small>Starting Creature : Knight of the White Orchid: Starting Support : Grasp of the Hieromancer<small></small></small></small></small>
{{Objective table header}}
{{Deck List
|Akroan Jailer|Celestial Flare |Grasp of the Hieromancer|Hixus, Prison Warden |Kytheon's Irregulars|Knight of the White Orchid|Relic Seeker|Sentinel of the Eternal Watch |Suppression Bonds |Swift Reckoning
=== Battle 3 ===
:<small><small><small>Starting Creature : Heavy Infantry: Starting Support : Pyromancer's Goggles<small></small></small></small></small>
{{Objective table header}}
{{Deck List
|Archangel of Tithes |Gideon's Phalanx |Heavy Infantry|Knight of the White Orchid|Kytheon's Irregulars|Pyromancer's Goggles|Relic Seeker|Sentinel of the Eternal Watch|Sword of the Animist |Totem-Guide Hartebeest
=== Battle 4 ===
:<small><small><small>Starting Creature : War Oracle:Starting Supports : Alhammarret's Archive, Orbs of Warding, Rogue's Passage<small></small></small></small></small>
{{Objective table header}}
{{Deck List
|Alhammarret's Archive|Archangel of Tithes |Aven Battle Priest|Blood-Cursed Knight |Cleric of the Forward Order |Enlightened Ascetic|Healing Hands |Orbs of Warding|Rogue's Passage|War Oracle
=== Battle 5 ===
:<small><small><small>Starting Creature : Relic Seeker:Starting Supports : Rogue's Passage x3<small></small></small></small></small>
{{Objective table header}}
{{Deck List
|Archangel of Tithes|Citadel Castellan|Consul's Lieutenant |Iroas's Champion |Knight of the White Orchid|Kytheon's Irregulars |Relic Seeker|Rogue's Passage|Stalwart Aven|War Oracle