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Oko, Thief of Crowns

238 bytes added, 05:57, 31 October 2022
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His abilities have themes of Food {{Ability|Token}}s, and stealing the opponent's cards. He can create Food Tokens and fetch opposing cards when they are destroyed, and swap his cards in play or in hand with the opponent. He also has strong removal and mana gain abilities.
The original Magic the Gathering version of Oko gives him the ability to turn an opponent's creature into an Elk. While this would have made him much too powerful in a game with only three lanes of creatures, the most powerful aspect of Oko's abilities is doubtless, remains: he has a big headstart in blocking all three lanes of the opponent's board with . It requires three uses of Reality Swap, or a combination of that with cards like {{Card URL|Turn to Frog}}, Sleep with the Fishes or {{Card URL|Imprisoned in the Moon}}. However, although the AI is still incapable, as of October 2022, of replacing a creature with a fourth one, it can sometimes deal with lane blocking in other ways.