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== Gate Colossus ==
{{Deck List
|Gate Colossus|Gatebreaker Ram|Gates Ablaze|Worldsoul's Rage|Boros Guildgate|Glaive of the Guildpact|Gruul Guildgate|Guild Summit|Orzhov Guildgate|Plaza of Harmony
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== Embermaw Hellion ==
{{Deck List
|Embermaw Hellion|Amplifire|Anzrag, the Quake-Mole|Flameblast Dragon|Chandra's Ignition|Collision|Flames of the Raze-Boar|Flameshadow Conjuring|Interplanar Beacon|Samut, Tyrant Smasher
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== Seraph of the Scales ==
{{Deck List
|Seraph of the Scales|Archangel of Tithes|Aurelia, the Law Above|Parhelion II|Final Payment|Mortify|Snuff Out|Godless Shrine|Shadowy Backstreet|Sigil of the Empty Throne
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== Thousand-Year Storm ==
{{Deck List
|Kylox, Visionary Inventor|Omnispell Adept|Soulblade Djinn|Commence the Endgame|Expansion|Invert|Stitch in Time|Stolen Identity|Ral, Storm Conduit|Thousand-Year Storm
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