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Return of the God-Pharaoh

447 bytes added, 04:42, 10 August 2018
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|[[Jace's Defeat]]|support
 === 2.1 Burning-Fist Minotaur ==={{Enemy Stats|Level=60|Hit Points=136|Blue Mana=+2|Ability 1=Burning Mind|Ability 1 Description=You Discard one card, then the first creature you control gains X Power, where X is the Discard card's mana cost.|Ability 1 Cost=6|Objective 1 Ribbons=10|Objective 2=Cast 4 or more spells with cost of 9 or less.|Objective 2 Ribbons=5|Objective 3=Cast 3 or more creatures with cost of 12 or more.|Objective 3 Ribbons=5}}
==== Burning-Fist Minotaur Deck List ====