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Template:Pw restrict

188 bytes added, 06:08, 16 March 2019
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Explains Generally notifies about planeswalker restrictions affecting in an event, or shows specific requirements in an event or node.
The If no parameters are given, a general notification is produced. Otherwise, the parameters are in groups of 32:
* The first parameter in a group is the name of the situation in which the first planeswalker is required for a node.
* The second parameter in a group is the name of the node a planeswalker is required for.* The third parameter in a group is the name of the Planeswalker required for the node.
The following shorthand:
{{Pw restrict}}
{{Pw restrict
|Elspeth HoD
|Node 1
|Elspeth, Sun's Champion
|Bolas HoD
|Node 1
|Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh
{{Pw restrict}}
{{Pw restrict
|Elspeth HoD
|Node 1 (top)
|Elspeth, Sun's Champion
|Bolas HoD
|Node 1 (top)
|Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh
</noinclude><includeonly>{| class="wikitable"
! style="text-align:left" colspan="2" | {{Event Icon|pw_restrict}} Planeswalker requirement
| <small>''One or more nodes can only be played with a '''required Planeswalker'''.''</small><!---->{{#if:{{{1|}}}|<br>
! {{{1}}}
{{!}} {{{2}}}{{!}} colspan="1" {{!}} [[{{Trim|{{{32}}}}}]]&nbsp; '''·''' &nbsp;{{Color Icons|{{PW data: {{{32}}}|7}}}}}}&nbsp; '''·''' &nbsp;<!---->{{Creatures|{{#explode: {{PW data: {{{32}}}|9}}|,|0}}}}&nbsp;'''·'''&nbsp;<!---->{{Spells|{{#explode: {{PW data: {{{32}}}|9}}|,|1}}}}&nbsp;'''·'''&nbsp;<!---->{{Supports|{{#explode: {{PW data: {{{32}}}|9}}|,|2}}}}<!---->{{#if:{{{3|}}}|{{!}}-! {{{3}}}{{!}} colspan="1" {{!}} [[{{Trim|{{{4}}}}}]]&nbsp; '''·''' &nbsp;{{Color Icons|{{PW data: {{{4}}}|7}}}}&nbsp; '''·''' &nbsp;<!---->{{Creatures|{{#explode: {{PW data:{{{4}}}|9}}|,|0}}}}&nbsp;'''·'''&nbsp;<!---->{{Spells|{{#explode: {{PW data: {{{4}}}|9}}|,|1}}}}&nbsp;'''·'''&nbsp;<br!---->{{Supports|{{#explode: {{PW data: {{{4}}}|9}}|,|2}}}}}}
! {{{4}}}{{!}} {{{5}}}{{!}} colspan="12" {{!}} [[{{Trim|{{{6}}}}}]]&nbsp; <small>''This node is restricted to one of the above '·''required Planeswalkers' &nbsp;{{Color Icons|{{PW data: {{{6}}}|7}}}}}}&nbsp; '''·', depending on which version of the event is run.'' &nbsp;<!--/small>-->{{Creatures|{{#explode: {{PW data: {{{6!}}}|9}}|,|0}}}}&nbsp;''<small>'·'One or more nodes in this event can only be played with a ''&nbsp;<!---->{{Spells|{{#explode: {{PW data: {{{6}}}|9}}|,|1}}}}&nbsp;'required Planeswalker''·'.''&nbsp;<!----/small>{{Supports|{{#explode: {{PW data: {{{6}}}|9}}|,|2}}}}