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Template:Card data

408 bytes added, 06:45, 6 June 2021
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Extract card data for a card for use in other templates. The only parameter is the card name.
The card data is stored in templates named "Template:Card data: card name". For example, [[Template:Card data: Zetalpa, Primal Dawn]]. The contents of each card data template fields are formatted as follows:
* {| class="wikitable"|-! #! Field! Description! Examples|-! 1| Name: | The card name, such as "Zetalpa, Primal Dawn". Use "Side1//Side2" for double-sided cards, such as "Invent//Invert".* | "Zetalpa, Primal Dawn"|-! 2| Expansion: | The 3-letter abbreviation for the card's expansion set, such as .| "RIX"* |-! 3| Rarity: | A one or two letter abbreviation of the card's rarity.| "C", "U", "R", "M", or "MP" according to the rarity* |-! 4| Colors: | An upper-case string representing the color string such as of the card.| "W", "UBR", or "C" for colorless* |-! 5| Cost: | The base mana cost of the card, such as "19". Use two costs separated by a comma for split cards.| "19", such as "6,9"* |-! 6| Type: | The type of the card. Use two types separated by a comma for split cards with different types on each side.| "Creature", "Spell", or "Support", "Creature,Spell"|-* ! 7| Subtypes: | A comma-separated list of sub-types, such as .| "Dinosaur,Elder"* Stats: |-! 8| P/T| For creatures, power and toughness separated by a slash, such as ; blank otherwise.| "4/8". |-! 9| Shield| For supports, the shield cost, such as value; blank otherwise.| "4". Blank for spells.* |-! 10| Keywords: | A comma-separated list of keywords used by the card, such as . | "Activate,Double Strike,Flying,Trample,Vigilance"|-! 11| Image| An image filename for the card which can be found via external link to| "Zetalpa_Primal_Dawn.png"|}

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