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90 bytes added, 22:41, 17 August 2022
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Like its parent game ''Magic: the Gathering'', Color in [[Magic: the Gathering Puzzle Quest]] is a core mechanic whose thematic flavor influences all aspects of the game.
Each of the five colors — White ({{W|45}}), Blue ({{U|45}}), Black ({{B|45}}), Red ({{R|45}}), and Green ({{G|45}}) — is associated with distinct magic and cultural principles, and different mechanics and [[abilities]].
==Color summary==
==In Planeswalkers==
Most [[Planeswalkers]] have an affinity to one, two, or even three colors, and [[#Mana bonuses|Mana bonuses]] which strongly tend to favor those affinities. A Planeswalker's [[deck]] may only include [[card]]s which have a at least one color matching an affinity of the Planeswalker. Colorless cards can be used by any Planeswalker.
In [[Events]], some nodes have color restrictions. Such nodes may only be played by a Planeswalker sharing a color with the node, or a colorless Planeswalker.
===Colorless planeswalkers===
Some Planeswalkers are colorless. Cards may only be included in the deck of a colorless Planeswalker which share a color with the [[Events|Event]] [[Nodes|node]] on which the Planeswalker is playing. 
=== Mana bonuses===
Ability separation by color is weaker in [[Magic: the Gathering Puzzle Quest]] than ''Magic: the Gathering'' for two reasons:
* Card The [[gem board]] and [[mana]] system force changes in card design follows , which in turn makes color principles less strictlyapplicable.
* Dual color cards can be used by any Planeswalker sharing any one of those colors, so any color-specific mechanics on such cards are more easily accessed.
{{Game concepts}}

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