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Ajani, Adversary of Tyrants

7 bytes removed, 18:03, 23 September 2022
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<blockquote>''Ajani Goldmane's magic purifies the body and soul, evoking his allies' inner essence. On his homeplane of Alara, he confronted and defeated [[Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaoh|Nicol Bolas]] by turning the dragon's soul against him. Driven by his sense of justice, Ajani joined the Gatewatch and became an advisor to Leonin communities on many planes and a mentor to other heroes, particularly Planeswalkers.''</blockquote>
:<< [[Ajani, Unyielding#Story|Ajani, Ajani, Unyielding's Story]]
:>> [[Ajani, Strength of the Pride#Story|Ajani, Strength of the Pride's Story]]

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