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Ajani, Sleeper Agent

22 bytes added, 04:19, 25 October 2022
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Ajani, Sleeper Agent has average health and average deck limits. He has balanced mana bonuses, while retaining the opportunity for prioritization.
He can gain extra mana for Vanguards or Creatures with {{Ability|Phyrexian Gem|Phyrexian Gems}}; he can buff his creatures' power and toughness permanently, and give them {{Ability|Lifelink}} and {{Ability|Vigilance}} temporarily. These abilities power up the {{Ability|Resilient}} support his third ability creates: [[#Phyrexian Poison|Phyrexian Poison]], and activate the stupendously buffed Myr token it can create.
Unlike Improved gems, [[Gems#Activated gems|Phyrexian gems]]' effects only trigger if there are {{Ability|Compleated}} cards in hand.

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