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The Colossal Tussle

169 bytes added, 22:17, 14 December 2022
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The maximum number of Ribbons that can be obtained on each node is ten, for a grand total of 180 possible (10 Ribbons x 3 nodes x 6 charges).
={{Ability|Mutate}} creatures must be cast to satisfy the Evolution objective of the first node. Of the 65 Mutate creatures available, 64 are from [[IKO]] and one is a [[M21]] Masterpiece. == Special rules ===
Restricted Subtype: Human<br>
Cards with the Human subtype may not be used in player decks.
== Nodes ===== Node 1 ''(top)'' ===
No color restriction
{{Objective table header}}
=== Node 2 ''(right)'' ===
No color restriction
{{Objective table header}}
=== Node 3 ''(left)'' ===
No color restriction
{{Objective table header}}

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