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Basic Gameplay

226 bytes added, 03:18, 13 September 2022
== Coalitions ==
[[Coalition ]]s comprise of up to 20 members. There will be events which are coalition only or for which you stand to gain coalition rewards from if you are in a coalition. However, the most important aspect of a coalition is that you get to reach out to kindred folk who share the experience of MtGPQ with you. MtPGQ players are overall rather friendly to fellow players and are very much interested to help others along with the game. Hence, one cannot over-stress the importance of finding an active coalition or community when playing MTPGQ. For more information, check out the Coalitions sectiontab on the Social UI (User Interface), also accessible via Profile. The [ D3GO Forums for MtGPQ] are a place where coalitions recruit and players can ask for a Coalition.
== Round-Off ==

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