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Nissa of Shadowed Boughs

1,152 bytes added, 20:18, 26 October 2022
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[[Nissa of Shadowed Boughs]] is a green elf Planeswalker, introduced in October 2020 along with the [[Zendikar Rising]] card set.
She has higher than average health, and average deck limits. She has good mana gains with in her colors, a slightly unbalanced spreadsmall blue bonus, and average deck limitssmall minuses to White and Red.
Her abilities first ability is mostly to be ignored, simply because the other two are so strong on mana . Her second ability is very adaptable, and makes an excellent setup for the third, simultaneously creating a land support to gain Black and creaturesGreen gems, including and a large clump of elemental {{Ability|buffToken}} creatures. It can also be ignored on occasion to rush to her third ability, but only if enough black gems are on the board; Green swaps may be prioritized to leave Black on the board, especially once {{Card URL|buffingGather the Pack}} themhas been used. The ultimate reanimates creatures, returning them from her graveyard to hand, {{Ability|buff|buffs}} them, gives them mana, and will give the first creature in hand an additional buff and creating {{Ability|TokenReach}} if another creature dies. The buff from her ultimate is relatively large and, if cheap creaturesare used, is apt to trigger loop detection, once Gather the Pack is used, although it is not a true loop. It also adds mana to lands in hand. All of her abilities create {{Ability|Token}} supports, and create or interact with Black and Green gems. N5 is nigh invulnerable to creature destruction; other removal is more useful, since destruction only feeds her graveyard and conversely, she can use board wipes like {{Card URL|The Great Aurora}} at will.
Nissa of Shadowed Boughs, sometimes called N5, is the fifth of six playable [[Planeswalkers]] in MtGPQ which embody Nissa Revane at different points in her life.

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