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Chandra, Ignited

144 bytes added, 02:13, 25 October 2022
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She has higher than average health, high mana gains with a slightly unbalanced spread, and average deck limits.
Many of her abilities {{Ability|trigger|triggers}} on supports losing shield or via {{Ability|ActivateActivated}}d gemsor {{Ability|Mana Field}}, both all of which synergise with {{Ability|Ignite}} gems, which she can also create, together with gem destruction, which her third ability performs. She deals direct damage, draws cards, and creates creature {{Ability|Token}}s.
Chandra, Ignited, sometimes called C5, is the fifth of six playable Planeswalkers in MtGPQ which embody Chandra Nalaar at different points in her life.
[[Category:Activated gems]]
[[Category:Damage all]]
[[Category:Damage opponent]]
[[Category:Destroy gems]]

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