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Battle of Four Tribes: Part 2

760 bytes removed, 05:11, 28 February 2019
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== Special Rules ==
Third Bosses on each Node have a special permanent {{Perma support that gives extra abilities. These permanent supports affect both players. Third Node Bosses are: 1.3 Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca - Merfolk 2.3 Elenda, the Dusk Rose - Vampires 3.3 Azor, the Lawbringer}}
== Nodes ==
{{Perma support|name==== Kumena, Tyrant of Orazca Permanent Node - Call of Kumena ====During the boss fight, casting creatures, spells and drawing cards will create cyclical benefits by reducing mana costs, empowering creatures and increasing the speed of the battle.<small>(see bugs)</small>{| classside="wikitable"both|+effect=</small>!Node Effect: Permanent Support (both players) * see bugs|-|<small>''Whenever your draw a card, all cards in your hand gain 1 mana.''</small>|-|* <small>''Whenever a creature enters the battlefield, draw a card.''</small>|-|* <small>''Whenever you cast a spell, your first creature gets +1/+1.''|}}
=== Node 2 - Dusk Legion (Vampires) ===
==== Elenda, the Dusk Rose Permanent Node - Martyrdom ===={{Perma supportDuring the boss fight, sacrificing your own Vampires and destroying the opponent's creatures will grant players control of the battlefield. Try to disable, exile or gain control of the enemy's army to achieve victory.{| classname="wikitable"|+!Node Effect: Permanent Support Martyrdom <small>(both players) * see bugs)</small>|-side=both|effect=</small>* <small>''Whenever a white Vampire dies under your control, gain 3 loyalty.''</small>|-|* <small>''Whenever a black Vampire dies under your control, your opponent loses 2 life and you gain 2 life.''</small>|-|* <small>''Whenever a nontoken Vampire dies under your control, create a 1/1 White Vampire token with Lifelink.'''Lifelink</small>* <small>'''.|-|Whenever a creature dies under your opponent's control, all your Vampires get +1/+1.''|}}
=== Node 3 - Azor, the Lawbringer ===
==={{Perma support|name= Azor, the Lawbringer Permanent Node - Azor's Presence ====The sphinx has a great variety of binding spells, bounce effects and creatures that Disable, which can completely fizzle out strategies that were not built to defeat him.<small>(see bugs)</small>{| classside="wikitable"enemy|+!!Node Effecteffect=A cycle of ongoing effects repeats every 3 turns: Permanent Support Azor Only</small>|-|* <small>'''''Turn 1|:''' Azor's opponent's creatures can't attack.''</small>|-|* <small>'''''Turn 2|:''' Azor's opponent's cannot cast spells until the beginning of Azor's next turn.''</small>|-|* <small>'''''Turn 3|:''' Azor's opponent's supports are disabled until the beginning of Azor's next turn. *See Bugs(see bugs)''|}}
== Rewards ==

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