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Historical events

550 bytes added, 05:36, 10 November 2022
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Events that are no longer run, events that are run under the same name but with completely different content, or the content removed from events to make way for alterations. In some cases, there is little data on them; these are [[#Incompletely documented events|incompletely documented events]]. The sections are reductive; all of the incompletely documented events are confirmed cancelled, but the Dragon War has sufficient documentation for its own article. == Unconfirmed ==* [[Hour of Revelation]] was last run in May, 2019* [[The Elderspark]] has not been run since December 2019* [[The Great Tournament]] was last run in March, 2020* [[Race to Orazca]] was last run at the end of May, 2020* [[Hallow's Eve]] was last run on Halloween 2020* [[Angels' Embrace]] was replaced as a Valentine's Day event by [[Devour in Flames]] in 2022* [[Zendikar Expeditions]] has been replaced as a thrice-weekly event by [[Revolving Planeswalk]]
== Confirmed cancelled ==
* [[The Phyrexian Compleation]] - [[The Phyrexian Compleation#Historical Data|Historical data]]
* [[Space-Time Catastrophe]] - [[Space-Time Catastrophe#Historical Data|Historical data]]
* [[Emergency Ordinances]] had a fourth node added to it in 2019
= Incompletely documented events =

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