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Basic Gameplay

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== Overview ==
Magic the Gathering: Puzzle Quest (MTGPQ) is a free-to-play match-3 game at heart like Bejeweled or Candy Crush, but it is overlaid with the rich theme and lore of [ Magic the Gathering (MTG)]. You will be collecting [[Card|cards]] to build your [[Deck|decks]] and if you play paper MTG, you will recognise the cards in MTGPQ as the card sets follow that of paper MTG. The game consists of battles against an opposing deck which is controlled by the AI. In each match, you play as a [[Planeswalker]] who must engage in duels with an opponent, charging your cards with mana through matching gems to summon creatures, cast supports and cast spells. At the same time, you will gain [[loyalty points ]] with which to trigger your planeswalker’s abilities. Victory is achieved by reducing the opponent’s life to zero.
Over the course of the game, you will gather different planeswalkers to aid your cause. Planeswalkers can be leveled up to unlock new abilities or better stats. You will also collect cards through the [[Booster Pack]] system to build your decks with. The game also has a [[Coalition|coalitions]] feature which allows you to join a coalition to contribute your scores in coalition events to obtain greater rewards. The game is currently only available on Android and iOS.
The planeswalker’s dashboard shows you the abilities the planeswalker has, the [[loyalty ]] cost of each ability, and the mana bonuses from each colour. Matching coloured gems equate to gaining mana from the respective colour and mana gained goes to the first card or to subsequent cards if the previous card(s) are already fully charged. Hence if as Koth you match the 3 Red gems you will gain 1 mana per gem matched (3) plus the mana bonus from the colour (+9) for 12 mana. On the other hand, matching 3 Blue gems would only net you 2 mana (3-1 = 2).
Matching 4 gems in a row will clear the row which the 4 gems are aligned on, but you do not gain any mana from the extra destroyed gems. Matching 5 of more gems of the same colour in one group will give you a free turn!
Each coloured gem match you make will also give you 1 loyalty point (barring some edge cases). Matching loyalty gems, the ones with a 5-pronged fork on them, ({{Symbol|L}}) will gain you loyalty points equal to the number of loyalty gems matched. Cascades from your initial match continue to give you mana and loyalty points so matching for maximum gain is paramount. Loyalty points are is used for planeswalker abilities and you can see that each planeswalker has 3 abilities with varying effects. These abilities not only contribute to your combat effort but help define the flavour of each planeswalker. The maximum loyalty which can be accumulated at a time is 30.