→Battle for Zendikar
The [[Battle for Zendikar (Story)|Battle for Zendikar story]] features a tutorial (similar to Training) plus further chapters of increasing difficulty. The enemies' [[deck]]s in the tutorial consist of mostly [[BFZ]] and some [[Origins]] cards, unlike in the Chapters, which are only BfZ cards.
* [[BFZ - Learn the BasicsBosses - Mechanics - Rewards #Deathless Behemoth - {{Ability|Rally}} and {{Ability|Ally}} - Chasm Guide#Breaker of Armies - {{Ability|Landfall}} and {{Ability|Converge}} - Geyserfield Stalker #Desolation Twin - {{Ability|Awaken}} - Sheer Drop#Nissa, Sage Animist - {{Ability|Devoid}}, {{Ability|Ingest}}, and {{Ability|Processor}} - Benthic Infiltrator #Ulamog, Learn the Ceaseless Hunger - Recap of previous abilities - [[BFZBasics]] Booster pack
* [[Battle for Zendikar - Chapter 1]]
* [[Battle for Zendikar - Chapter 2]]
* [[Battle for Zendikar - Chapter 3]]
=== Heroic Encounters ===