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Shorthand for creating a table with set details for a given Set.

Parameters are:

  • {{{id}}}: The set's ID on mtgpq.info (e.g. 13)
  • {{{abbr}}}: The abbreviation used for the set (e.g. DOM for Dominaria)
  • {{{date}}}: The month/year the set was released (e.g. May 2018)
  • {{{version}}}: The version of the app the set released in (e.g. 2.7 for DOM)
  • {{{notes}}}: Release notes for the version
  • {{{mechanics}}}: Comma separated list of zero or more mechanics (e.g. "Saga, Historic, Leader")
  • {{{cards_total}}}: The total number of cards in the set (e.g. 211)
  • {{{cards_mp}}}: The number of masterpiece cards in the set (e.g. 10)
  • {{{cards_m}}}: The number of mythic cards in the set (e.g. 29)
  • {{{cards_r}}}: The number of rare cards in the set (e.g. 48)
  • {{{cards_u}}}: The number of uncommon cards in the set (e.g. 64)
  • {{{cards_c}}}: The number of common cards in the set (e.g. 60)

A file named {{{abbr}}}_Symbol.png is assumed to exist and is used for the set icon.


This shorthand

|id = 13
|abbr = DOM
|date = May 2018
|version = 2.7
|notes = https://forums.d3go.com/discussion/72742/2-7-release-notes-updated-5-23-18
|mechanics = Saga Historic Leader
|cards_total = 211
|cards_mp = 10
|cards_m = 29
|cards_r = 48
|cards_u = 64
|cards_c = 60


Set code: DOM
Set icon: {{{title}}} icon
Set introduced: May 2018 (version 2.7)
Release notes: https://forums.d3go.com/discussion/72742/2-7-release-notes-updated-5-23-18
Set mechanics:
Total cards: 211
Masterpiece: 10
Mythic: 29
Rare: 48
Uncommon: 64
Common: 60