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Puzzle Masters

23,288 bytes added, 23:10, 12 January 2023
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{{Infobox set|PMA}}
[[Puzzle Masters]] is the 28th expansion [[set]] of ''Magic: The Gathering - Puzzle Quest'', added in January 2021 in version 4.7 of the game. The set abbreviation is PMA, and the set icon ([[File:PMA_Symbol.png|x16px|PMA]]) consists of the set abbreviation in the MtGPQ font. As of August 2022, there are 104 cards in the PMA set: 60 Rare, 34 Mythic, and 10 Masterpiece rarity.
==Overview==Like [[Origins]], Puzzle Masterswill remain permanently in [[Standard]] . Puzzle Masters is not a main-line card set, and therefore does not impact the 28th expansion set rotation of [[card]] sets out of ''Standard format. PMA does not have a corresponding Magic: The the Gathering card set release. Its cards are taken from several MtG card sets. ===Release History==={| class="wikitable"! Date !! Release !! Colour !! Cards !! Planeswalker !! Mechanics|-| Jan 2021 || 4.7 || {{R}} || 9 || {{PW|Chandra, Ignited}} || {{Ability|Ignite}}, {{Ability|Improved Gem}}, {{Ability|Mana Field}}|-| Oct 2021 || 5.2 || {{B}} || 9 || {{PW|Liliana, Master of Death}} || {{Ability|Corrupt}}, {{Ability|Unearth}}, {{Ability|Unearthed}}|-| rowspan=3 | Jan 2022 || rowspan=3 | 5.3.1 || {{U}} || 9 || {{PW|Teferi, Chronoclast}} || {{Ability|Deny}}, {{Ability|Denied}}, {{Ability|Restrain}}, {{Ability|Time Bubble}}|-| {{W}} || 9 || {{PW|Ajani, Invigorate Leadership}} || {{Ability|Enlist}}, {{Ability|Assemble}}|-| {{G}} || 9 || {{PW|Nissa, Vital Energy}} || {{Ability|Seed}}, {{Ability|Leyline}}|- Puzzle Quest''| Feb 2022 || 5.4 || {{Color Icons|WUBRG}}{{C}} || 45 || |||-| May 2022 || 5.6 || {{C}} || 14 || {{PW|Karn, Reflective Silver}} || {{Ability|Crystalize}}, {{Ability|Automate}}, {{Ability|Lotus Field}}|}PMA cards were at first introduced gradually. Initially, one [[color]] was released at a time, along with a new [[Portal:Planeswalkers|Planeswalker]] of that color, starting with red and [[Chandra, Ignited]] in January 2021 , and then black with [[Liliana, Master of Death]] in version 4.7 October of the gamesame year. The set abbreviation is PMA Blue packs and [[Teferi, Chronoclast]], White packs and [[Ajani, Invigorate Leadership]], Green packs and [[Nissa, Vital Energy]] were added in rapid succession in January 2022. In February, 45 new cards were added to the packs, doubling the size of the set icon (. In May, a colorless pack, and in June, [[File:PMA_SymbolKarn, Reflective Silver]]. A proposal to merge the packs into one was cancelled, presumably due to player disapproval.png|x16px|PMA  == Colors of Magic==[[Colors of Magic]]) consists is a Standard PvP event released at the same time as PMA. Rewards for CoM at one time included Chandra Anthology packs; similar to the Chandra PMA group of cards, the cards in the Anthology packs were related to Chandra and her story. The reward, as of August 2022, is a single PMA card from the PMA set abbreviation ; these normally cost 250 crystals, and no other crystal rewards in the MtGPQ fontany other event are as high as 250.
Like == Planeswalkers' Signature Spellbooks ==Most PMA cards are themed around their color's corresponding Planeswalker and sold in that Planeswalker's "Signature Spellbook" [[OriginsCard pack|pack]]. The same five Colorless cards are now included in all PMA Planeswalkers' packs, Puzzle Masters will remain permanently in [[Standard]]and one colorless unique to that color pack.
Puzzle Masters is not a main-line card set, and therefore does not impact The Spellbooks in the rotation of card sets out [[Vault]] are arranged in order of Standard format. PMA does not have a corresponding Magic: the Gathering card set release. Its cards are taken from several MtG card sets.
All PMA cards are being introduced graduallyguaranteed non-duplicate; when they are purchased, one color at a time. A new Planeswalker is also added to they appear highlighted as owned in the "View cards" list in the game with each color; so farVault, [[Chandra, Ignited]] at just as they would in the initial release and [[Liliana, Master of DeathCards]] in October 2021list.
[[Colors The chance of Magic]] a Rare is a Standard PvP event released at the same time as PMA86. Rewards for CoM include Chandra Anthology packs21%; similar to the Chandra PMA group of cardsa Mythic, the cards in the Anthology packs are related to Chandra and her story12.93%.
=== Shared cards ===Cards found in all six Spellbooks. {| class="wikitablesortable mw-collapsible"! Date Card name || Type || Cost || Color || Rarity || Set|-| ★ Chromatic Star || {{Supports}} (4) || 8 || {{C}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| ★ Coalition Relic || {{Supports}} (4) || 8 || {{C}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| ★ Door to Nothingness || {{Supports}} (4) || 8 || {{C}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| ★ Fist of Suns || {{Supports}} (4) || 8 || {{C}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| ★ Kaleidostone || {{Supports}} (4) || 8 || {{C}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-|} === Chandra's Signature Spellbook ==={| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"!Card name || Type || Cost || Color || Rarity || Set|-| Abbott of Keral Keep || {{Creatures}} 6/5 || 13 || {{R}} || Rare || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-| Ancient Hellkite || {{Creatures}} 7/7 || 19 || {{R}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Backdraft Hellkite || {{Creatures}} 6/6 || 15 || {{R}} || Rare || {{M21}} <small><small>[[M21]]</small></small>|-| Chandra's Flame Wave || {{Spells}} || 9 || {{R}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Chandra's Ignition || {{Spells}} || 14 || {{R}} || Mythic || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-| Chandra's Incinerator || {{Creatures}} 8/8 || 20 || {{R}} || Rare || {{M21}} <small><small>[[M21]]</small></small>|-| Chandra's Phoenix || {{Creatures}} 4/4 || 10 || {{R}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Chandra's Revolution || {{Spells}} || 11 || {{R}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Circle of Flame || {{Supports}} (4) || 13 || {{R}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Crimson Hellkite || {{Creatures}} 6/6 || 17 || {{R}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Double Vision || {{Supports}} (3) || 13 || {{R}} || Mythic || {{M21}} <small><small>[[M21]]</small></small>|-| Exquisite Firecraft || {{Spells}} || 6 || {{R}} || Rare || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-| Fiery Confluence || {{Spells}} || 12 || {{R}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Fiery Emancipation || {{Supports}} (3) || 22 || {{R}} || Mythic || {{M21}} <small><small>[[M21]]</small></small>|-| Fire Servant || {{Creatures}} 4/3 || 12 || {{R}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Fireball || {{Spells}} || 9 || {{R}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Fireblast || {{Spells}} || 8 || {{R}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Flameblast Dragon || {{Creatures}} 5/5 || 15 || {{R}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Kinetic Augur || {{Creatures}} 1/1 || 11 || {{R}} || Rare || {{M21}} <small><small>[[M21]]</small></small>|-| Molten Vortex || {{Supports}} (3) || 10 || {{R}} || Mythic || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-| Mox Ruby || {{Supports}} (3) || 6 || {{R}} || Masterpiece || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Novice Pyromancer || {{Creatures}} 4/3 || 9 || {{R}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Pia and Kiran Nalaar|| {{Creatures}} 6/6 || 16 || {{R}} || Rare || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-| Pyromancer Ascension || {{Supports}} (4) || 12 || {{R}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Pyromancer's Gauntlet || {{Supports}} (4) || 12 || {{C}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Pyromancer Goggles || {{Supports}} (3) || 21 || {{R}} || Mythic || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-| Ravaging Blaze || {{Spells}} || 6 || {{R}} || Rare || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-| Rite of Flame || {{Spells}} || 3 || {{R}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Seal of Fire || {{Supports}} (3) || 12 || {{R}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-|} === Liliana's Signature Spellbook ==={| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"! Release Card name || Type || Cost || Color || Rarity || Set |-|Bone Miser || {{Creatures}} 4/4 || 18 || {{B}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-|Bridge from Below || {{Supports}} (2) || 11 || {{B}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small> |-|Coffin Queen || {{Supports}} (3) || 15 || {{B}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-|Corrupt || {{Spells}} || 11 || {{B}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-|Cryptbreaker || {{Creatures}} 3/3 || 9 || {{B}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small> |-|Dark Petition || {{Spells}} || 9 || {{B}} || Rare || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-|Dark Salvation || {{Spells}} || 12 || {{B}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-|-|Demonic Pact || {{Supports}} (3) || 18 || {{B}} || Mythic || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small> |-|Demonic Tutor || {{Spells}} || 6 || {{B}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-|Dread Summons || {{Spells}} || 11 || {{B}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-|Ebondeath, Dracolich || {{Creatures}} 7/4 || 12 || {{B}} || Mythic || {{AFR}} <small><small>[[AFR]]</small></small>|-|Endless Obedience || {{Spells}} || 9 || {{B}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-|Haunting Voyage || {{Spells}} || 14 || {{B}} || Mythic || {{KHM}} <small><small>[[KHM]]</small></small>|-|Infinite Obliteration || {{Spells}} || 6 || {{B}} || Mythic || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-|Kothophed, Soul Hoarder || {{Creatures}} 6/6 || 14 || {{B}} || Rare || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-|Liliana's Elite || {{Creatures}} 1/1 || 10 || {{B}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|- |-|Liliana's Reaver || {{Creatures}} 5/4 || 12 || {{B}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small> |-|Mind Sludge || {{Spells}} || 12 || {{B}} || Rare || {{ZNR}} <small><small>[[ZNR]]</small></small>|-|Mox Jet || {{Supports}} (3) || 6 || {{B}} || Masterpiece || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-|Necromancer's Stockpile || {{Supports}} (4) || 11 || {{B}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-|Overseer of the Damned || {{Creatures}} 6/6 || 19 || {{B}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-|Rise of the Dread Marn || {{Spells}} || 10 || {{B}} || Mythic || {{KHM}} <small><small>[[KHM]]</small></small>|-|Shadows of the Past || {{Supports}} (2) || 12 || {{B}} || Rare || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-|Snuff Out || {{Spells}} || 7 || {{B}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-|Tainted Remedy || {{Supports}} (2) || 15 || {{B}} || Rate || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small> |-|The Chain Veil || {{Supports}} (4) || 13 || {{B}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small> |-|Thought Gorger || {{Creatures}} 4/4 || 10 || {{B}} || Rare || {{ZNR}} <small><small>[[ZNR]]</small></small> |-|Waste Not || {{Supports}} (3) || 11 || {{B}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small> |-|Wight || {{Creatures}} 1/3 || 11 || {{B}} || Rare || {{AFR}} <small><small>[[AFR]]</small></small>|-|} === Teferi's Signature Spellbook ==={| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"!Card name || Type || Cost || Color || Rarity || Set|- | Ambiguity || {{Supports}} (2) || 9 || {{U}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small> |-| Cemetery Illuminator || {{Creatures}} 2/3 || 8 || {{U}} || Mythic || {{VOW}} <small><small>[[VOW]]</small></small> |-| Counterlash || {{Spells}} || 12 || {{U}} || Rare || <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|- | Day's Undoing || {{Spells}} || 10 || {{U}} || Mythic || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small> |- | Declaration of Naught || {{Supports}} (2) || 12 || {{U}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small> |-| Desertion || {{Spells}} || 8 || {{U}} || Rare || <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Disruptive Student || {{Creatures}} 1/1 || 10 || {{U}} || Rare || <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|- | Dreamshackle Geist || {{Creatures}} 3/1 || 10 || {{U}} || Rare || <small><small>[[VOW]]</small></small>|- | Harbinger of the Tides || {{Creatures}} 4/4 || 10 || {{U}} || Rare || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-| Imyrith, Desert Doom || {{Creatures}} 7/7 || 16 || {{U}} || Mythic || {{AFR}} <small><small>[[AFR]]</small></small>|-| Mana Drain || {{Supports}} (2) || 18 || {{U}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small> |- | Memory Deluge || {{Spells}} || 11 || {{U}} || Rare || {{VOW}} <small><small>[[VOW]]</small></small>|-| Mizzium Meddler || {{Creatures}} 4/7 || 9 || {{U}} || Rare || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|- | Mox Sapphire || {{Supports}} (3) || 6 || {{U}} || Masterpiece || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small> |- | Paradox Haze || {{Supports}} (2) || 18 || {{U}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small> |-| Prognostic Sphinx || {{Creatures}} 3/5 || 15 || {{U}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small> |-| Spellstutter Sprite || {{Creatures}} 1/1 || 15 || {{U}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small> |-| Teferi's Puzzle Box || {{Supports}} (4) || 14 || {{C}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small> |-| Teferi's Response || {{Spells}} || 12 || {{U}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small> |-| Teferi's Wavecaster || {{Creatures}} 3/3 || 16 || {{U}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small> |-| Temporal Adept || {{Creatures}} 1/1 || 15 || {{U}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small> |-| The Blackstaff of Waterdeep || {{Supports}} (4) || 7 || {{U}} || Mythic || {{AFR}} <small><small>[[AFR]]</small></small>|-| Time Reversal || {{Spells}} || 12 || {{U}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small> |-| Time Walk || {{Supports}} (2) || 15 || {{U}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small> |-| True Polymorph || {{Spells}} || 12 || {{U}} || Rare || {{AFR}} <small><small>[[AFR]]</small></small>|-| Wash Out || {{Supports}} (2) || 17 || {{U}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Willbreaker || {{Creatures}} 2/3 || 12 || {{U}} || Rare || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-| Winged Portent || {{Spells}} (3) || 5 || {{U}} || Rare || {{VOW}} <small><small>[[VOW]]</small></small>|-| Wizard's Spellbook || {{Supports}} (5) || 15 || {{U}} || Mythic || {{AFR}} <small><small>[[AFR]]</small></small>|-|} === Ajani's Signature Spellbook ==={| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"! Colour Card name || Type || Cost || Color || Rarity || Set|-| Adeline, Resplendent Cathar || {{Creatures}} 0/4 || 9 || {{W}} || Rare || {{MID}} <small><small>[[MID]]</small></small>|-| Ajani's Influence || {{Spells}} || 13 || {{W}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Ajani's Last Stand || {{Supports}} (2) || 3 || {{W}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Ajani's Mantra || {{Supports}} (2) || 12 || {{W}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Ajani's Presence || {{Spells}} || 10 || {{W}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Ajani's Sunstriker || {{Creatures}} 3/4 || 19 || {{W}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Dancing Sword || {{Supports}} (3) || 15 || {{W}} || Mythic || {{AFR}} <small><small>[[AFR]]</small></small>|-| Fateful Absence || {{Spells}} || 7 || {{W}} || Rare || {{MID}} <small><small>[[MID]]</small></small>|-| Healer of the Pride || {{Creatures}} 2/3 || 3 || {{W}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Holy Avenger || {{Supports}} (2) || 3 || {{W}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Ignite the Beacon★ || {{Spells}} || 7 || {{W}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Inspiring Roar || {{Spells}} || 8 || {{W}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Jazal Goldmane || {{Creatures}} 4/4 || 19 || {{W}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Jareth, Leonin Titan || {{Creatures}} 4/7 || 7 || {{W}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Knight of the White Orchid || {{Creatures}} 4/4 || 14 || {{W}} || Rare || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-| Lantern Flare || {{Spells}} || 7 || {{W}} || Rare || {{VOW}} <small><small>[[VOW]]</small></small>|-| Marble Chalice || {{Supports}} (6) || 7 || {{W}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Mox Pearl || {{Supports}} (3) || 6 || {{W}} || Masterpiece || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Nadaar, Selfless Paladin || {{Creatures}} 5/5 || 11 || {{W}} || Mythic || {{AFR}} <small><small>[[AFR]]</small></small>|-| Paladin Class || {{Supports}} (3) || 11 || {{W}} || Rare || {{AFR}} <small><small>[[AFR]]</small></small>|-| Pride Guardian || {{Creatures}} 0/3 || 2 || {{W}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Savior of Ollenbock || {{Creatures}} 1/2 || 10 || {{W}} || Mythic || {{VOW}} <small><small>[[VOW]]</small></small>|-| Sentinel of the Eternal Watch || {{Creatures}} 5/7 || 17 || {{W}} || Rare || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-| Sigil of Distinction || {{Supports}} (4) || 18 || {{C}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Starfield of Nyx || {{Supports}} (4) || 20 || {{W}} || Mythic || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-| Stir the Pride || {{Spells}} || 6 || {{W}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Sungold Sentinel || {{Creatures}} 3/2 || 7 || {{W}} || Rare || {{MID}} <small><small>[[MID]]</small></small>|-| Teleportation Circle || {{Supports}} (4) || 10 || {{W}} || Rare || {{AFR}} <small><small>[[AFR]]</small></small>|-| Vanguard of Brimaz || {{Creatures}} 2/2 || 15 || {{W}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-|}★There are two cards by this same name   === Nissa's Signature Spellbook ==={| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"!! Cards added !! PlaneswalkerCard name || Type || Cost || Color || Rarity || Set|-| Animist's Awakening || {{Spells}} || 5 || {{G}} || Rare || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-| Boundless Realms || {{Spells}} || 9 || {{G}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Circle of Dreams Druid || {{Creatures}} 4/3 || 10 || {{G}} || Rare || {{AFR}} <small><small>[[AFR]]</small></small>|-| Cultivator Colossus || {{Creatures}} 1/1 || 17 || {{G}} || Mythic || {{VOW}} <small><small>[[VOW]]</small></small>|-| Cycle of Life || {{Supports}} (1) || 13 || {{G}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Dictate of Karametra || {{Supports}} (3) || 13 || {{G}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Dryad Arbor || {{Supports}} (3) || 14 || {{G}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen || {{Creatures}} 5/6 || 14 || {{G}} || Rare || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-| Elvish Archdruid || {{Creatures}} 2/2 || 12 || {{G}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Elvish Mystic || {{Creatures}} 1/1 || 13 || {{G}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Evolutionary Leap || {{Supports}} (4) || 15 || {{G}} || Mythic || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-| Gaea's Revenge || 16/9 || 23 || {{G}} || Mythic || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-| Gilt-Leaf Archdruid || {{Supports}} (3) || 13 || {{G}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Glorious Sunrise || {{Supports}} (4) || 13 || {{G}} || Rare || {{VOW}} <small><small>[[VOW]]</small></small>|-| Herald of the Pantheon || {{Creatures}} 4/4 || 7 || {{G}} || Rare || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-| Joraga Invocation || {{Spells}} || 14 || {{G}} || Rare || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-| Khalni Garden || {{Supports}} (3) || 11 || {{G}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Khalni Gem || {{Supports}} (4) (3) || 15 || {{C}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small> |-| Mox Emerald || {{Supports}} (3) || 6 || {{G}} || Masterpiece || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Multani's Harmony || {{Spells}} || 7 || {{G}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Nissa's Expedition || {{Spells}} || 13 || {{G}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Nissa's Judgement || {{Spells}} || 16 || {{G}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Nissa's Revelation || {{Spells}} || 13 || {{G}} || Mythic || {{ORI}} <small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>|-| Oracle of Mul Daya || {{Creatures}} 2/2 || 17 || {{G}} || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Selvala, Heart of the Wilds || {{Creatures}} 2/3 || 14 || {{G}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Utopia Sprawl || {{Supports}} (3) || 16 || {{G}} || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Varis, Silverymoon Ranger || {{Creatures}} 4/4 || 12 || {{G}} || Rare || {{AFR}} <small><small>[[AFR]]</small></small>|-| Yavimaya, Cradle of Growth || {{Supports}} (4) || 15 || {{G}} || Rare || {{PMA}} {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>
| Jan 2021 Zendikar's Roil || {{Supports}} (4.7 ) || 9 || {{Symbol|RG}} || 9 Rare || {{PW|Chandra, IgnitedORI}}<small><small>[[Origins]]</small></small>
| Oct 2021 || 5.2 || {{Symbol|B}} || 9 || {{PW|Liliana, Master of Death}}
==Cards= Karn's Signature Spellbook ===Puzzle Masters currently consists All of 18 Karn's cards across are Colorless {{C|25}}{| class="wikitable sortable mw-collapsible"!Card name || Type || Cost || Rarity || Set|-| Arcbound Wanderer || {{Creatures}} 1/1 || 14 || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Argentum Armor || {{Supports}} (4) || 20 || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Basalt Monolith || {{Supports}} (4) || 19 || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Chromatic Orrery || {{Supports}} (4) || 24 || Mythic || {{M21}} <small><small>[[M21]]</small></small>|-| Crystalline Giant || {{Creatures}} 3/3 || 12 || Rare || {{IKO}} <small><small>[[IKO]]</small></small>|-| Darksteel Citadel || {{Supports}} (4) || 21 || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Endless Sands || {{Spells}} || 9 || Rare || {{HOU}} <small><small>[[HOU]]</small></small>|-| Forsaken Monument || {{Supports}} (4) || 15 || Mythic || {{ZNR}} <small><small>[[ZNR]]</small></small>|-| Gilded Lotus || {{Supports}} (3) || 6 || Rare || {{DOM}} <small><small>[[DOM]]</small></small>|-| Golden Guardian || {{Supports}} (4) || 15 || Rare || {{RIX}} <small><small>[[RIX]]</small></small>|-| Grafdigger's Cage || {{Supports}} (3) || 5 || Mythic || {{M20}} <small><small>[[M20]]</small></small>|-| Karn's Bastion || {{Supports}} (3) || 13 || Rare, || {{WAR}} <small><small>[[WAR]]</small></small>|-| Lithoform Engine || {{Supports}} (4) || 18 || Mythic || {{ZNR}} <small><small>[[ZNR]]</small></small>|-| Mechtitan Core || {{Supports}} (3) || 14 || Mythic, and || {{NEO}} <small><small>[[NEO]]</small></small>|-| Mirror Box || {{Supports}} (2) || 7 || Rare || {{NEO}} <small><small>[[NEO]]</small></small>|-| Mox Lotus || {{Supports}} (4) || 23 || Masterpiece rarities.|| {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Mox Opal || {{Supports}} (4) || 18 || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Myr Propagator || {{Creatures}} 1/1 || 14 || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Mystic Forge || {{Supports}} (4) || 13 || Rare || {{M20}} <small><small>[[M20]]</small></small>|-| Nyx Lotus || {{Supports}} (4) || 10 || Mythic || {{THB}} <small><small>[[THB]]</small></small>|-| Panharmonicon || {{Supports}} (5) || 13 || Rare || {{KLD}} <small><small>[[KLD]]</small></small>|-| Pristine Talisman || {{Supports}} (4) || 17 || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Steel Overseer || {{Creatures}} 4/4 || 11 || Rare || {{M20}} <small><small>[[M20]]</small></small>|-| Strixhaven Stadium || {{Supports}} (3) || 15 || Mythic || {{STX}} <small><small>[[STX]]</small></small>|-| Suntouched Myr || {{Creatures}} 1/1 || 18 || Mythic || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Tamiyo's Journal || {{Supports}} (3) || 5 || Rare || {{SOI}} <small><small>[[SOI]]</small></small>|-| The Ozolith || {{Supports}} (4) || 11 || Rare || {{IKO}} <small><small>[[IKO]]</small></small>|-| Touchstone || {{Supports}} (4) || 17 || Rare || {{PMA}} <small><small>[[PMA]]</small></small>|-| Wandering Archaic || {{Creatures}} 7/7 || 18 || Mythic || {{STX}} <small><small>[[STX]]</small></small>|-|}
{{Card Set List
|name={{SetSymbol|PMA}} '''Puzzle Masters''' &nbsp; Complete card list

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