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243 bytes added, 02:30, 29 December 2022
Keyword Abilities
|- {{TextAbility|Bloodletting|{{MID}}|Your creatures' {{Ability|Bloodletting}} abilities are active as long as your opponent has lost life this turn.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Can't Attack|''all''|A creature with {{Ability|Can't Attack}} can't attack.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Can't Block|''all''|A creature with {{Ability|Can't Block}} can't block. {{Ability|Can't Block}} will not stop creatures with {{Ability|Berserker}} from attacking as {{Ability|Disable}} does.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Casting a Spell|{{MID}}|A {{Ability|Casting a Spell}} effect on a card in play is {{Ability|trigger|triggered}} whenever you {{Ability|cast}} a Spell card.}}
|- {{TextAbility|City's Blessing|{{RIX}}|Some abilities become more powerful if you have the {{Ability|City's Blessing}}. You gain the {{Ability|City's Blessing}} for the rest of the game when you play a card with {{Ability|Ascend}} if the sum of your creatures, supports, and {{Ability|reinforce|reinforcements}} is greater than or equal to 10.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Delirium|{{SOI}}{{EMN}}|An associated effect is {{Ability|trigger|triggered}} if there are 5 or less Gems on the board of the specified color, or the card's color if unspecified.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Destroy|''all''|{{Ability|Destroy|Destroying}} a card moves it to the graveyard. Cards are most often {{Ability|Destroy|Destroyed}} from play, but may be {{Ability|Destroy|Destroyed}} from other zones like your hand or library. {{Ability|Destroy|Destroying}} a {{Ability|Token}} removes it from the game. {{Ability|Destroy|Destroying}} a gem means to remove the gem from the board by a gem match, or by a card's effect.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Disable|''all''|Creatures in play which an effect {{Ability|Disable|Disables}} cannot attack or block, and stop all of their Abilities from working. A second meaning is to {{Ability|Disable}} cards in your hand, to prevent them from auto-casting when they're full of mana.Creatures with {{Ability|Berserker}} will not attack disabled creatures, as they do creatures that {{Ability|Can't Block}}}}
|- {{TextAbility|Discard|''all''|{{Ability|Discard|Discarding}} moves one or more cards from the target player's hand into their graveyard. Unless otherwise specified, cards are {{Ability|Discard|Discarded}} starting from the bottom of their hand.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Embalm|{{AKH}}{{HOU}}|When in the graveyard, {{Ability|Activate}} for the number beside the {{Ability|Embalm}} keyword. Matching one or more {{Ability|Activate|Activated}} Gems of your {{Ability|Embalm}} creature {{Ability|Exile|Exiles}} the creature, and brings a Zombie {{Ability|Token}} copy of the creature into play (minus the {{Ability|Embalm}} ability).}}

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