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Break the Powerstone

41 bytes added, 02:54, 31 January 2023
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[[Break the Powerstone]] is a Standard Coalition [[PvP]] event, released in January 2023 following the [[The Brothers' War]] (BRO) card [[set]].
Unlike a shrinking majority of events, the requirements of the objectives in Break the Powerstone (BtP) feature no elements of the associated set that are found only in BRO cards. However, the event 's eponymous Powerstone support mirrors The Brothers' obsession with artifacts, with the eponymous Powerstone event support, and artifacts are empowered by the abilities of all three permanent supports. Gems and supports are a focus of the objectives.
Since Break the Powerstone, like [[A Timeless Voyage]] (ATV), can be fully completed with cards from any set, it could, like ATV, remain [[Standard]] even when cards from its associated set have rotated into Legacy.
BtP has the same points allocation (5 for the win and 3 and 2 for secondaries) and duration (46 hours) as many [[Coalition]] events, but it is unusual in having maximum points 20 points less than usual, at 120 points. However unusual, it is the second and consecutive 120 point event, following [[Family Business]], so they are, potentially, early examples of a new norm. It is also the second event in recent years with half the total charges available at the start, and the other half added on the second day of the event, 23.5 hours later (the other being [[Colors of Magic]]). It is a rare event, and possibly only the second event, to have a destroyable support; should The Powerstone be destroyed, it is replaced by a pair of indestructible supports, one for whichever player has the highest life total, or the acting player in the case of a tie, and the other for the other player.
:<small><small>'''''"Automatons could be rebuilt. The Powerstone could not."''''' <small><small>- text from the "Stone Retrieval Unit" paper card, from the BRO set. Part of the event's [[#Story|Story]].

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