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== Overview ==
This page describes abilities of cards. Abilities can influence creature combat, the gem board, cards in hand, or other aspects of the game.
Abilities fall into one of three categories:
* [[#Card Icon Abilities|'''Icon abilities''']] - Abilities denoted by an icon on a card
* [[#Card Keyword Abilities|'''Keyword abilities''']] - Abilities denoted by a keyword on a card, which is typically capitalised, bolded, and underlined in the card's text
* [[#General abilities and effects|'''General abilities and effects''']] - General terms used in card descriptions which may or may not be capitalised, and which have a well-defined effect
== Card Icon Abilities ==
{| class="wikitable"
|- {{IconAbility|Split Card|{{GRN}}|You can select which side of this card you want to play. Tap the flip symbol on the card to change its side. Mana gained charges both sides, up to a maximum of the cost of the currently selected side.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Stored Mana|{{M19}}{{GRN}}|This card stores extra mana up to a maximum of the number in the Stored Mana icon, and triggers additional effects when cast. (Auto-casts if the Stored Mana is full.)}}
|- {{IconAbility|Token|{{Evergreen}}|This is a token creatureor support. If it would enter a graveyard, hand, library, or exile, it's removed from the game instead.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Trample|{{Evergreen}}|Any damage in excess of a blocking creature's toughness is dealt to the Planeswalker instead of the blocking creature.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Transform|{{SOI}}{{EMN}}{{XLN}}{{RIX}}|When the specified conditions are met, this card becomes [[#Transformed|Transformed]], flipping to its other side.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Activate|{{Evergreen}}|The specified number of normal Gems become {{Ability|Activate|Activated }} Gems associated with this card. When you match one of your {{Ability|Activate|Activated }} Gems, its associated ability is {{Ability|trigger|triggered}}. If your opponent destroys {{Ability|Destroy|Destroys}} one of your {{Ability|Activate|Activated }} Gems which is caused by an ongoing effect, a new Gem becomes {{Ability|Activate|Activated }} on your turn after next.}}|- {{TextAbility|Adapt|{{RNA}}|When this creature enters play, the specified amount of gems are converted to {{Ability|Adapt }} gems associated with this creature. When you match this creature's {{Ability|Adapt }} gem, it gains is {{Ability|buff|buffed}} for +1/+1 and its {{Ability|Adapt }} ability, if any, is {{Ability|trigger|triggered}}. If the opponent matches {{Ability|Destroy|Destroys}} your {{Ability|Adapt }} gem, a new {{Ability|Adapt }} gem is created.}}|- {{TextAbility|Addendum|{{RNA}}|When you cast a card with {{Ability|Addendum}}, its {{Ability|Addendum }} effect {{Ability|trigger|triggers }} if the card had full mana at the start of your turn.}}|- {{TextAbility|Afflict|{{HOU}}|When this a creature with {{Ability|Afflict}} is blocked, your opponent also additionally takes {{Ability|damage }} equal to this creature's Power.}}|- {{TextAbility|Afterlife|{{RNA}}|Whenever a creature with {{Ability|Afterlife }} dies or loses a {{Ability|reinforce|reinforcement}}, create the specified number of Orzhov Spirits (1/1 flying token {{Ability|Token}} creature).}}|- {{TextAbility|Aftermath|{{HOU}}|When in the graveyard, [[#Activate{{Ability|Activate]] }} for the number beside the {{Ability|Aftermath }} keyword on the back of the card. Matching one or more {{Ability|Activate|Activated }} Gems of your {{Ability|Aftermath }} card {{Ability|trigger|triggers }} the effect on the back of the card, and [[#then {{Ability|Exile|Exiles]] }} the card.}}|- {{TextAbility|City's Blessing|{{RIX}}|Some abilities become more powerful if you have the {{Ability|City's Blessing}}. You gain the {{Ability|City's Blessing }} when you play a card with [[#Ascend{{Ability|Ascend]] }} if the sum of your creatures, supports, and {{Ability|reinforce|reinforcements }} is greater than or equal to 10.}}|- {{TextAbility|Converge|{{BFZ}}|Cards with {{Ability|Converge }} have an effect which scales for each different mana color used to pay for the card.}}|- {{TextAbility|Crew|{{KLD}}{{AER}}{{XLN}}{{DOM}}|Each card with Crew in your hand gains its with {{Ability|Crew}} gains its specified amount of mana whenever a non-token {{Ability|Token}} creature enters play on your side.}}|- {{TextAbility|Cycle|{{AKH}}{{HOU}}|When you cycle a A card with [[#{{Ability|Cycling|Cycling]], you draw a card}} may be {{Ability|Cycle|Cycled}} in order to {{Ability|draw}} a card. {{Ability|Cycling }} {{Ability|trigger|triggers }} when you exile {{Ability|Exile}} this card from your hand, if you can pay at least the specified amount of mana from your hand's cards (including this one).}} Mana is paid for {{Ability|Cycling}} starting from the top card in your hand.}}|- {{TextAbility|Delirium|{{SOI}}{{EMN}}|An associated effect is {{Ability|trigger|triggered }} if there are 5 or less Gems on the board of the specified color, or the card's color if unspecified.}}|- {{TextAbility|Destroy|{{Evergreen}}|{{Ability|Destroy|Destroying }} a card moves it to the graveyard. Cards are most often destroyed from play{{Ability|Destroy|Destroyed}} from play, but may be destroyed {{Ability|Destroy|Destroyed}} from other zones like your hand or library. {{Ability|Destroy|Destroying }} a token {{Ability|Token}} removes it from the game.}}|- {{TextAbilityAbility|DisableDestroy|Destroying}} a gem means to remove the gem from the board by a gem match, or by a card's effect.}}|- {{TextAbility|Disable|{{Evergreen}}|Creatures in play which an effect Disables {{Ability|Disable|Disables}} cannot attack, or block, and have stop all of their abilities disabledAbilities from working. You may also A second meaning is to {{Ability|Disable }} cards in your hand, to prevent them from auto-casting when they're full of mana.}}|- {{TextAbility|Discard|{{Evergreen}}|{{Ability|Discard|Discarding }} moves one or more cards from the target player's hand into their graveyard. Unless otherwise specified, cards are discarded starting from {{Ability|Discard|Discarded}} starting from the bottom of their hand.}}|- {{TextAbility|Embalm|{{AKH}}{{HOU}}|When in the graveyard, [[#Activate{{Ability|Activate]] }} for the number beside the {{Ability|Embalm }} keyword. Matching one or more {{Ability|Activate|Activated }} Gems of your {{Ability|Embalm }} creature [[#{{Ability|Exile|Exiles]] }} the creature, and brings a Zombie token {{Ability|Token}} copy of the creature into play (minus the {{Ability|Embalm }} ability).}}|- {{TextAbility|Emerge|{{EMN}}|When a creature you control is [[#{{Ability|Destroy|Destroyed]]}}, your cards with {{Ability|Emerge}} gain the specified amount of mana.}}|- {{TextAbility|Energize|{{KLD}}{{AER}}|The specified number of normal gems become {{Ability|Energize|Energized }} Gems. Matching {{Ability|Energize|Energized }} gems can {{Ability|trigger [[#Overload}} {{Ability|Overload]] }} effects.}}|- {{TextAbility|Enrage|{{XLN}}{{RIX}}|Whenever a creature with {{Ability|Enrage takes damage}} receives {{Ability|damage}}, it {{Ability|trigger|triggers }} a specified effect.}}|- {{TextAbility|Eternalize|{{HOU}}|When in the graveyard, [[#Activate{{Ability|Activate]] }} for the number beside the {{Ability|Eternalize }} keyword. Matching one or more {{Ability|Activate|Activated }} Gems of your {{Ability|Eternalize }} creature [[#{{Ability|Exile|Exiles]] }} the creature, and brings a 4/4 Zombie token {{Ability|Token}} copy of the creature into play (minus the {{Ability|Eternalize }} ability).}}|- {{TextAbility|Exert|{{AKH}}{{HOU}}|A normal gem becomes an [[#{{Ability|Activate|Activated]] }} Gem with a timer equal to the number beside the {{Ability|Exert }} keyword. The timer counts down by 1 at the start of your turn. If you match the Gem or the timer reaches zero, the associated effect is {{Ability|trigger|triggered}}, and a new Gem becomes {{Ability|Activate|Activated }} at the start of your next turn.}}|- {{TextAbility|Exile|{{Evergreen}}|{{Ability|Exile|Exiling }} a card moves it to the Exiled zone. Cards cannot usually be accessed from after being {{Ability|Exile|Exiled}}. {{Ability|Exile|Exiled }} cards are not considered [[#{{Ability|Destroy|Destroyed]] }} and do not go to the graveyard. {{Ability|Exile|Exiling }} a token {{Ability|Token}} removes it from the game.}}|- {{TextAbility|Explore|{{XLN}}{{RIX}}|Convert gems equal to twice the number beside the {{Ability|Explore }} keyword to the colors of the creature targeted by your {{Ability|Explore }} effect. If a match doesn't happen, also increase the {{Ability|buff}} the creature's power and toughness by the number beside the {{Ability|Explore }} keyword.}}|- {{TextAbility|Fabricate|{{KLD}}{{AER}}|Bring the specified number of Supporting Servo support tokens {{Ability|Token|Tokens}} into play. Each of your Supporting Servo tokens {{Ability|Token|Tokens}} gives the first creature you control +1/+1.}}|- {{TextAbility|Historic|{{DOM}}|Your cards with the {{Ability|Historic }} ability have their associated effect {{Ability|trigger|triggered }} by any [[#Legendary{{Ability|Legendary]] }} card, Artifact, or [[#Saga{{Ability|Saga]] }} being played on your side, or being in play on your side.}}|- {{TextAbility|Ingest|{{BFZ}}{{OGW}}{{ZVE}}|The specified number of normal Gems of your opponent's color become Void Gems. Void Gems may be consumed by a [[#{{Ability|Process|Process]] }} ability, or matched on the board. Matching Void Gems only gives mana to cards with [[#Devoid{{Ability|Devoid]].}}.}}|- {{TextAbility|Investigate|{{SOI}}|A normal gem becomes an [[#{{Ability|Activate|Activated]] }} Gem with a two-turn timer. The timer counts down by 1 at the start of your turn. If you match any player matches your {{Ability|Investigate }} Gem or its timer reaches zero, the associated effect is triggeredyou {{Ability|draw}} a card.}}|- {{TextAbility|Landfall|{{BFZ}}{{OGW}}{{ZVE}}{{SOI}}{{EMN}}|Your cards with {{Ability|Landfall }} have their associated effects {{Ability|trigger|triggered }} whenever you match 4 or more gems of the specified color, or any color if no color is specified.}}|- {{TextAbility|Leader|{{DOM}}{{M19}}{{GRN}}|Your {{Ability|Leader }} creature [[#{{Ability|Exile|Exiles]] }} your token {{Ability|Token}} creatures of the specified subtype and converts each one into a {{Ability|reinforce|reinforcement }} of itself. This effect occurs both as the {{Ability|Leader }} enters play, and as you play any token {{Ability|Token}} creatures of the specified subtype.}}|- {{TextAbility|Madness|{{SOI}}{{EMN}}|All of your cards with {{Ability|Madness }} gain their specified amount of mana whenever a card is [[#{{Ability|Discard|Discarded]] }} (not [[#{{Ability|Exile|Exiled]]}}) from your hand. Cards A card with {{Ability|Madness are }} is immune to being {{Ability|Discard|Discarded}} itself.}}|- {{TextAbility|Overload|{{KLD}}{{AER}}|Each of your {{Ability|Overload }} abilities of a specified number is {{Ability|trigger|triggered }} any time you destroy {{Ability|Destroy}} that many or more [[#Energize|Energized]] Gems in a single match.}}|- {{TextAbility|Process|{{BFZ}}|Process {{Ability|Process}} only works if the specified number of Void Gems are present. If so, then that many Void Gems become gems of your opponent's color, and the associated effect is {{Ability|trigger|triggered}}. Void Gems are created by cards with [[#Ingest{{Ability|Ingest]]}}.}}|- {{TextAbility|Raided|{{XLN}}{{RIX}}|If you one of your creatures attacked on your last turn, a {{Ability|Raided }} effect on one of your cards {{Ability|trigger|triggers }} this turn. Only the first {{Ability|Raided }} effect on a turn {{Ability|trigger|triggers}}; any further {{Ability|Raided }} effects do nothing.}}|- {{TextAbility|Rally|{{BFZ}}{{ZVE}}|Your creatures with {{Ability|Rally }} have their associated effects {{Ability|trigger|triggered }} whenever you bring a creature with the Ally subtype into play.}}|- {{TextAbility|Regenerate|{{Evergreen}}|At the start of your turn, your creatures with {{Ability|Regenerate }} regain the specified amount of toughness which had previously been lost by taking {{Ability|damage}}.}}|- {{TextAbility|Renown|{{ORI}}|When The first time a creature with {{Ability|Renown first }} deals combat {{Ability|Combat damage }} to an opponent, increase that creature's power and toughness by the number beside the {{Ability|Renown }} keyword.}}|- {{TextAbility|Saga|{{DOM}}|When you play a {{Ability|Saga}}, the first chapter's effects are {{Ability|trigger|triggered}}. At the start of each of your turns, the next chapter's effects are {{Ability|trigger|triggered}}. A {{Ability|Saga }} is [[#{{Ability|Destroy|Destroyed]] }} at the end of a turn in which its final chapter was {{Ability|trigger|triggered}}. Reinforcing {{Ability|reinforce|reinforcing}} a Saga {{Ability|Saga}} {{Ability|trigger|triggers }} the current chapter but does not advance to the next chapter.}}|- {{TextAbility|Spectacle|{{RNA}}|At the end of any turn, if your opponent {{Ability|life loss|lost life}} during that turn, each card in your hand with {{Ability|Spectacle }} gains its specified amount of mana.}}|- {{TextAbility|Surveil|{{GRN}}|Look at the top four cards of your library, and choose any number up to the number beside the {{Ability|Surveil }} keyword. Those cards are discarded, and the rest return to your library.}}|- {{TextAbility|Trap|{{Evergreen}}|The specified number of normal Gems become {{Ability|Trap }} Gems associated with this card. When your opponent destroys one of your {{Ability|Trap }} Gems, its associated ability is triggered. If you match one of your {{Ability|Trap }} Gems which is caused by an ongoing effect, a new Gem becomes {{Ability|Trap|Trapped }} on your next turn.}}|- {{TextAbility|Treasure|{{XLN}}{{AER}}|Your effects which find {{Ability|Treasure|Treasures }} bring the specified number of {{Ability|Treasure tokens }} {{Ability|Token|Tokens}} into play on your side. Once you have four Treasure {{Ability|Treasure}} tokens, one of your existing {{Ability|Treasure tokens }} {{Ability|Token|Tokens}} is {{Ability|reinforce|reinforced }} rather than a new one being created. Matching your {{Ability|Treasure token }} {{Ability|Token}} adds 3 mana to a random card in your hand. Matching your opponent's {{Ability|Treasure token }} {{Ability|Token}} adds 2 mana to a random card in your hand, and 2 mana to a random card in your opponent's hand.}}|- {{TextAbility|Undergrowth|{{GRN}}|An {{Ability|Undergrowth }} effect on a card occurs when a card with {{Ability|Undergrowth }} is played. {{Ability|Undergrowth }} effects are described in terms of a number, X, which is the number of creatures in your graveyard, up to a maximum of the number beside the {{Ability|Undergrowth }} keyword.}}|} == General abilities and effects =={| class="wikitable"|+!Ability!Description|- {{TextAbility|buff||Increase a creature's Power and/or Toughness by a specified amount. Does not count as {{Ability|reinforce|reinforcing}}.}}|- {{TextAbility|combat damage||{{Ability|damage}} dealt by a creature by its normal attack, equal to its Power.}}|- {{TextAbility|damage||{{Ability|damage|Damage}} to a Planeswalker causes {{Ability|life loss}} equal to the amount of damage. {{Ability|damage|Damage}} to a Creature causes its health to be reduced by the amount of damage.}}|- {{TextAbility|draw||Move the top card of your library to your hand. Cards in which may have effects which {{Ability|trigger}} when cards are {{Ability|draw|drawn}}. A card can only be {{Ability|draw|drawn}} if the hand contains less than 5 cards.}}|- {{TextAbility|fetch||Move a card from a specified zone into your hand. A {{Ability|fetch}} effect does not count as {{Ability|draw|drawing}} a card, and does not trigger {{Ability|draw}} effects.}}|- {{TextAbility|life loss||Reduce a Planeswalker's health by the amount of life lost. {{Ability|life loss}} may be caused by {{Ability|damage}}, or it may be caused directly. Direct {{Ability|life loss}} does not count as {{Ability|damage}}.}}|- {{TextAbility|reinforce||For a Creature, increase a creature's Power and Toughness by the Power and Toughness of its base card, and increase the creature's {{Ability|reinforce|reinforcement}} count by 1. For a Support, increase the Support's Shield count by the Shield count of its base card. When you play a Creature or Support which is already in play on your side, you {{Ability|reinforce}} that card in play. {{Ability|reinforce|reinforcement}} can also be {{Ability|trigger|triggered}} by the effects of other cards. {{Ability|reinforce|reinforcement}} does not count as {{Ability|buff|buffing}}.}} |- {{TextAbility|trigger||Some abilities have a condition which must be met for the ability to work. When an ability's condition is met, the ability is {{Ability|trigger|triggered}}, and its effect occurs.}}

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