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792 bytes added, 10:41, 15 March 2019
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|- {{IconAbility|Ascend|{{RIX}}|When an effect of a card with {{Ability|Ascend }} is performed, if the sum of your creatures, supports, and {{Ability|reinforce|reinforcements }} is greater than or equal to 10, you gain the [[#City's Blessing{{Ability|City's Blessing]] }} for the rest of the game. Cards with {{Ability|Ascend }} gain additional benefits when you have the {{Ability|City's Blessing}}.}}|- {{IconAbility|Awaken|{{BFZ}}{{ZVE}}|An {{Ability|Awaken }} ability {{Ability|trigger|triggers }} if a secondary mana cost is paid in addition to the card's main cost. (Auto-casts if the {{Ability|Awaken }} cost is fully paid.)}}|- {{IconAbility|Berserker|{{Evergreen}}|Attacks the first enemy creature, instead of the enemy planeswalkerPlaneswalker.}}|- {{IconAbility|Convoke|{{GRN}}|Costs one less mana for each creature and {{Ability|reinforce|reinforcement }} you control, up to the number in the {{Ability|Convoke }} symbol.}}|- {{IconAbility|Cycling|{{AKH}}{{HOU}}|When you [[#Cycle{{Ability|Cycle]] }} a card, {{Ability|draw }} a card. {{Ability|Cycling }} {{Ability|trigger|triggers }} when you exile {{Ability|Exile}} a card with {{Ability|Cycling }} from your hand, if you can pay at least the specified amount of mana from your cards in hand (including this one).}}|- {{IconAbility|Deathtouch|{{Evergreen}}|When Whenever this creature deals {{Ability|combat damage }} to another creature, the other creature is [[#{{Ability|Destroy|Destroyed]]}}.}}|- {{IconAbility|Defender|{{Evergreen}}|Blocks your opponent's creatures' attacks, becoming their attack target in place of your Planeswalker. Your first creature with {{Ability|Defender }} or [[#Reach{{Ability|Reach]] }} is the creature which tries to block first.}}|- {{IconAbility|Devoid|{{BFZ}}{{OGW}}{{ZVE}}|Gains mana from Void Gem matches. Void Gems are created by cards with [[#Ingest{{Ability|Ingest]]}}.}}|- {{IconAbility|Double Strike|{{Evergreen}}|Deals [[#{{Ability|First Strike}} {{Ability|First Strike]] damage }} AND regular {{Ability|damage }} afterwards.}}|- {{IconAbility|First Strike|{{Evergreen}}|Deals {{Ability|First Strike}} {{Ability|damage}} is dealt {{Ability|damage }} before regular {{Ability|damage}}. The enemy only retaliates if it survives the {{Ability|First Strike}}.}}|- {{IconAbility|Flash|{{ZVE}}{{RIX}}{{DOM}}{{M19}}{{GRN}}|Before an opponent's creature attacks, if this card is [[#{{Ability|Disable|Disabled]]}}, you may cast it for its normal mana cost. (Can also be cast during your turn, like normal.)}}|- {{IconAbility|Flying|{{Evergreen}}|Can be blocked by creatures with [[#Defender{{Ability|Defender]] }} or [[#Vigilance{{Ability|Vigilance]] }} only if they also have {{Ability|Flying}}. (Can be blocked by creatures with [[#Reach{{Ability|Reach]]}}.)}}|- {{IconAbility|Haste|{{Evergreen}}|Attacks the turn it enters the battlefieldplay.}}|- {{IconAbility|Hexproof|{{Evergreen}}|Cannot be targeted by enemy spells and abilities. (Effects which don't require a target to be selected still affect creatures with {{Ability|Hexproof}}.)}}|- {{IconAbility|Jump-start|{{GRN}}|Can be cast (and then exiled{{Ability|Exile|Exiled}}) from your graveyard. The first {{Ability|Jump-start }} card in your graveyard gains the mana charged in any card when which you exile it {{Ability|Exile}} from your hand. (Can also be cast from your hand, like normal.)}}|- {{IconAbility|Legendary|{{Evergreen}}|This is a {{Ability|Legendary }} card. Some effects only work on {{Ability|Legendary }} cards.}}|- {{IconAbility|Lifelink|{{Evergreen}}|Your Planeswalker gains life equal to the {{Ability|combat damage }} dealt by this creature.}}|- {{IconAbility|Meld|{{EMN}}|When this creature and another specified creature are both in play on your side, they {{Ability|Meld }} to form a single [[#Melded{{Ability|Melded]] }} creature.}}|- {{IconAbility|Melded|{{EMN}}|This creature is a combination of a specific pair of creatures with [[#Meld{{Ability|Meld]]}}. Playing either of those two creatures {{Ability|reinforce|reinforces }} this creature.}}|- {{IconAbility|Menace|{{Evergreen}}|This creature is [[#Unblockable{{Ability|Unblockable]] }} unless two or more creatures your opponent controls could block it.}}|- {{IconAbility|Mentor|{{GRN}}|Whenever this creature attacks, your other creatures with power lower than this creature's get a +1/+1{{Ability|buff}}.}}|- {{IconAbility|Prevent Damage|{{Evergreen}}|{{Ability|damage|Damage }} effects applied to this creature, including {{Ability|combat damage}}, are reduced to zero. (Other effects, including [[#Destroy{{Ability|Destroy]]}}, are not prevented.)}}|- {{IconAbility|Reach|{{Evergreen}}|Blocks your opponents opponent's creatures, becoming their attack target in place of your Planeswalker, including creatures with [[#Flying{{Ability|Flying]]}}. Your first creature with [[#Defender{{Ability|Defender]] }} or {{Ability|Reach }} is the creature which tries to block first.}}|- {{IconAbility|Riot|{{RNA}}|When this creature enters play, choose one: It gets a +1/+1{{Ability|buff}}, or it gains [[#Haste{{Ability|Haste]]}}.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Split Card|{{GRN}}|You can select which side of this card you want to play. Tap the flip symbol on the card to change its side. Mana gained charges both sides, up to a maximum of the cost of the currently selected side.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Stored Mana|{{M19}}{{GRN}}|This card stores extra mana up to a maximum of the number in the {{Ability|Stored Mana }} icon, and {{Ability|trigger|triggers }} additional effects when cast. (Auto-casts if the Stored Mana is full.)}}|- {{IconAbility|Token|{{Evergreen}}|This is a token {{Ability|Token}} creature or support. If it would enter a graveyard, hand, library, or exilethe {{Ability|Exile}} zone, it's removed from the game instead.}}|- {{IconAbility|Trample|{{Evergreen}}|Any {{Ability|damage }} in excess of a blocking creature's toughness is dealt to the Planeswalker instead of the blocking creature.}}|- {{IconAbility|Transform|{{SOI}}{{EMN}}{{XLN}}{{RIX}}|When the specified conditions are met, this card becomes [[#Transformed{{Ability|Transformed]]}}, flipping to its other side.}}|- {{IconAbility|Transformed|{{SOI}}{{EMN}}{{XLN}}{{RIX}}|Shown on the flipped side of a card with [[#Transform{{Ability|Transform]]}}.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Unblockable|{{Evergreen}}|Cannot be blocked.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Vigilance|{{Evergreen}}|Blocks your opponent's creatures, if able, becoming their attack target instead of your Planeswalker, if you control no creatures with [[#Defender{{Ability|Defender]] }} or [[#Reach{{Ability|Reach]]}}.}}

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