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16 bytes added, 04:37, 16 March 2019
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|- {{IconAbility|Menace|{{Evergreen}}|This creature is {{Ability|Unblockable}} unless two or more creatures your opponent controls could block it.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Mentor|{{GRN}}|Whenever this creature attacks, your other creatures with power lower than this creature's get a +1/+1 {{Ability|buff}}.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Prevent Damage|{{Evergreen}}|{{Ability|damage|Damage}} effects applied to this creatureor Planeswalker, including {{Ability|combat damage}}, are reduced to zero. (Other effects, including {{Ability|Destroy}}, are not prevented.)}}
|- {{IconAbility|Reach|{{Evergreen}}|Blocks your opponent's creatures, becoming their attack target in place of your Planeswalker, including creatures with {{Ability|Flying}}. Your first creature with {{Ability|Defender}} or {{Ability|Reach}} is the creature which tries to block first.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Riot|{{RNA}}|When this creature enters play, choose one: It gets a +1/+1 {{Ability|buff}}, or it gains {{Ability|Haste}}.}}

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