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184 bytes added, 19:48, 15 August 2023
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|- {{IconAbility|Unearth|{{PMA}}|Some cards with {{Ability|Buried}} also have {{Ability|Unearth}}. When a card with {{Ability|Unearth}} is {{Ability|cast}} from the graveyard, it gains {{Ability|Unearthed}} and {{Ability|Haste}}, and is returned to play with all its {{Ability|reinforce|reinforcements}}.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Unearthed|{{PMA}}|At the end of the turn, or when it dies, a creature with {{Ability|Unearthed}} is {{Ability|Exile|exiled}}.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Vanguard|{{WAR}}|A {{Ability[[Gems#Vanguards|Vanguard}} ]] is a special support card representing a Planeswalker. Vanguards have activated abilities which increase or decrease the shield amount to perform an effect, and can be used once per turn per Vanguard. Vanguards are considered {{Ability|Legendary}}, and are also only affected by effects which specifically name Vanguards as targets.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Venture|{{AFR}}|When you {{Ability|Venture|Venture into the Dungeon}}, if you don't have one already, you choose from several {{Ability|Dungeon}} support {{Ability|Token|Tokens}} to enter play under your control. Each time you {{Ability|Venture}}, the {{Ability|Dungeon}} advances to the next room according to your chosen path through the Dungeon. Each room {{Ability|trigger|triggers}} an effect when entered.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Ward|{{STX}}|Your creature in play with {{Ability|Ward}} gains {{Ability|Hexproof}} during the opponent's turn unless they pays the creature's {{Ability|Ward}} cost. The opponent may choose to do this when they make their first swap on their turn, if they have a spell with full mana in their hand.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Improved Gem|{{PMA}}| {{Ability|Corrupt|Corrupted}}, {{Ability|Crystalize|Crystalized}}, {{Ability|Deny}}, {{Ability|Enlist}}, {{Ability|Ignite|Ignited}}, and {{Ability|Seed}} gems are the six types of {{Ability|Improved Gem}}.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Ingest|{{BFZ}}{{OGW}}{{ZVE}}|The specified number of normal Gems of your opponent's color become Void Gems. Void Gems may be consumed by a {{Ability|Process|Process}} ability, or matched on the board. Matching Void Gems only gives mana to cards with {{Ability|Devoid}}.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Indestructible||Support gems in play with {{Ability|Indestructible}} lose no shields when matched, and cannot be destroyed by card or Planeswalker abilities.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Investigate|{{SOI}}|A normal gem becomes an {{Ability|Activate|Activated}} Gem with a two-turn timer. The timer counts down by 1 at the start of your turn. If any player matches your {{Ability|Investigate}} Gem or its timer reaches zero, you {{Ability|draw}} a card.}}
|- {{TextAbility|Landfall|{{BFZ}}{{OGW}}{{ZVE}}{{SOI}}{{EMN}}|Your cards with {{Ability|Landfall}} have their associated effects {{Ability|trigger|triggered}} whenever you match 4 or more gems of the specified color, or any color if no color is specified.}}

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