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5,575 bytes added, 06:39, 4 November 2022
Activated gems
{{Infobox portals}}
 == Overview ==This page describes the types of [[Gems]] you can encounter on the gem [[Gem board ]] during a game of [[Magic: the Gathering Puzzle Quest]]
== Colored gems ==
Colored [[Color]]ed gems are white, blue, black, red, or green.
* Colored gems may become [[Gems#Support gems|Support gems]] when a support is played.
* Colored gems may become [[Gems#Activated gems|Activated gems]] when a card with an activated ability [[Abilities|Ability]] is played.
[[Matching]] colored gems (making 3 in a row of the same color) gives you 1 [[Mana]] per gem, extra mana equal to your mana bonus in that color, and 1 [[Loyalty]].
When a support card or support {{Ability|Token}} enters play, a colored gem becomes a '''Support gem'''.
* If possible, the support is placed on a gem matching a [[color ]] of the support.
* If that's not possible, the support may be placed on any colored gem.
=Support gems with {{Ability|Mana Field}} have a large glowing halo during the controlling player's turn. [[File:Gem-ManaField.png|x72px]] == Creating support gems ===
Support gems can be created by:
* Playing a support card from hand.
* Using a card or an ability to create a support tokens. Types of support tokens are described below.
=== Matching support gems ===[[Matching]] or hitting a support gem by a match-4 reduces its shield by 1. If the shield goes to 0, the support is destroyed. Some supports are indestructible , i.e. they lose no shield when matched; they can still be destroyed by card and have infinite Planeswalker abilities. Others regain shieldsafter losing them to a match. Fractals gain shield when matched.
{| class="wikitable"
! Type of indestructible support
| Part of an event node's special rules
| Changes the support gem's [[color ]] to a random color
=== Types of support gems ===== Support cards ===Support gems created by an ordinary support card act as described on the card. Ordinary supports {{Ability|reinforce}} if played when you already control the same support in play, unless otherwise specified on the card. When a support gem which was cast as a support card is destroyed from play, the support card enters the graveyard. ===Support tokens ===Support tokens are created by effects rather than being cast as a card. When destroyed, support tokens do not enter the graveyard; they just disappear. Support tokens have the same appearance on the gem board as support cards, and unless otherwise specified are affected by the same effects and abilities that affect support gems cast as cards. 
{| class="wikitable"
! Type
! Reinforces
! Description
! Support card
| Reinforces unless otherwise specified
| While in play as a support gem, a support card acts as described on the card. When destroyed from play, the support card moves to your graveyard.
! {{Ability|Investigate|Clue}} token
* ''While in play:'' No effect
* ''When matched Matched by owner:'' Its owner gains 3 life.
! {{Ability|Treasure}} token
== = Vanguards ==={{Ability|Vanguard |Vanguards}} are a special type of support card representing planeswalkers. They have a different appearance on the gem board to card or token supports ==. 
{{Ability|Vanguard|Vanguards}} are a special type of support card representing planeswalkers. Vanguard cards enter the gem board as Vanguard support gems when played, and are reinforced if already in play when played again. Vanguards have passive and active abilities which their controller can benefit from.
By default, effects which work on general supports don't work on Vanguards; Vanguards are only affected if it's specifically stated on the card or effect. For example:
== Activated gems ==
:''[[:Category:Activated gems|Planeswalkers with Activated gem abilities]]''[[Matching]] or hitting an activated gem with a match 4 gems destroys the gem them and produces an effect which depends on the type of the activated gem. Activated gems can also be destroyed with abilities, whether cast or on the board (such as [[#Improved gems|Ignited gem]]s) or used by [[Planeswalkers]], which often destroy square gem blocks of various sizes (eg 3x3 or 5x5).
Activated gems are created from existing colored gems, and keep their [[color ]] after becoming activated gems.
Activated gems can't be converted into other gem colors or types.
While most activated gems have no effect if matched by the opponent, the [[Puzzle Masters]] set introduced a new type of Activated gem that always does : [[#Improved gems|Improved gems]].
Tapping an activated gem will cause a glow to appear on or around any source that created it present on the [[gem board]], or a Planeswalker's portrait if their ability was the source.
{| class="wikitable"
! rowspan=2 | Activated gem type! rowspan=2 | Image! colspan=2 | Effect|-! While in play! When matched
! {{Ability|Activate}}
| [[File:gem-Aftermath.png|x72px]]
| No effect
| Triggers an effect on the card which created the activate gem
! {{Ability|Adapt}}
| [[File:gem-Adapt.png|x72px]]
| No effect
| The creature which created the adapt gem gets +1/+1 and has its {{Ability|Adapt}} ability triggered
! {{Ability|Aftermath}}
| [[File:gem-Aftermath.png|x72px]]
| No effect
* ''Matched by owner:'' Triggers the Aftermath effect on the card which created the aftermath gem
| [[File:gem-Countdown.png|x72px]]
| Counts down by 1 each turn and triggers the match effect on zero
* ''Matched by owner:'' Triggers an effect on the card which created the countdown gem
* ''Matched by opponent:'' No effect
! {{Ability|Embalm}}
| [[File:gem-Aftermath.png|x72px]]
| No effect
* ''Matched by owner:'' Brings into play a zombie token copy of the creature in the graveyard creating the embalm gem
! {{Ability|Energize}}
| [[File:gem-Energize.png|x72px]]
| No effect
| Can trigger an {{Ability|Overload}} effect on your cards in play
! {{Ability|Enhanced}}
| [[File:gem-Enhanced.png|x72px]]
| When matched with a swap, adds 1 to the {{Ability|Enhanced}} value of your first card in hand which can be {{Ability|Enhanced}}
! {{Ability|Eternalize}}
| [[File:gem-Aftermath.png|x72px]]
| No effect
* ''Matched by owner:'' Brings into play a 4/4 zombie token copy of the creature in the graveyard creating the eternalize gem
! {{Ability|Buried|Graveyard}}
| [[File:gem-Graveyard.png|x72px]]
| No effect
| Adds 3 mana to the first card in your graveyard with {{Ability|Buried}}
! {{Ability|IgniteCompleated|IgnitedPhyrexian}}|[[File:Phyrexian Gems Red.png|x72px]]| No effectAdds 3 mana to the first card in your hand with {{Ability| Destroy Compleated}} that can gain mana and you lose 2 life; only triggers if you have a block of 3x3 gems around the ignited gemcard with {{Ability|Compleated}} in hand that can gain mana and you have 5 or more life
! {{Ability|Snow}}
| [[File:gem-Snow.png|x72px]]
| Can trigger {{Ability|Snow}} effects on cards
| Adds 1 mana to the first card in your hand with {{Ability|Snow}}; can trigger additional {{Ability|Snow}} effects on cards
! {{Ability|Trap}}
| [[File:gem-Trap.png|x72px]]
| Invisible Traps owned by the opponent are invisible to the player.<br>(However, the AI sees your traps!)<br>Triggers an effect of the card that created the trap gem| Triggers } === Improved gems ==={{Ability|Improved Gem|Improved Gems}} were introduced with the [[Puzzle Masters]] set. They always trigger with an effect for the player that matches them. Only the Blue {{Ability|Deny}} and {{Ability|Time Bubble}} gems are unequivocally detrimental to the enemy that matches them.  {| class="wikitable"! Activated gem type! Image! Effect|-! {{Ability|Corrupt|Corrupted}}| [[File:gem-Corrupted.png|x72px]]| Adds 3 mana to the first card in your graveyard with {{Ability|Buried}} that can gain mana, or lose 3 life if no cards can|-! {{Ability|Crystalize|Crystalized}}|| Counts as a gem of any color. Crystalizing destroys enemy supports to create the gem.|-! {{Ability|Deny}}| | On creation of the Deny support, opponent gains Denied. On match by a Denied player, that player is {{Ability|Restrained}}. Otherwise, matching it creates a {{Ability|Time Bubble}} {{Ability|token}} : [Enchantment: Support's owner drains 3 mana from opponent if it is matched on their turn. On opponents' turn, matching it forces them to {{Ability|Discard}}]|-! {{Ability|Enlist}}| | Gives 3 Life to the card creating player that matches it |-! {{Ability|Ignite|Ignited}}| [[File:gem-Ignited.png|x72px]]| Destroy a block of 3x3 gems around the trap ignited gem|-! {{Ability|Seed}}| [[File:Seed gem.png|x72px]]| Gives mana to the player that matches it: 1 for each creature and reinforcement they control |-
== Mana Field ==
[[File: Blood token.png|200px|right]]
Introduced by [[PMA]], but now widely used, {{Ability|Mana Field}} supports {{Ability|trigger}} their effects when any gem on the [[Gem board]] is matched adjacent or diagonally adjacent to the support.
{{Ability|Lotus Field}} supports {{Ability|trigger}} their effects like a Mana Field, but the effects, usually converting gems to that color or increasing that color's mana bonus, are dependent on the color of gem [[Matching|matched]].
{{Ability|Blood}} is a {{Ability|token}} support created by other cards or Planeswalker abilities. When a gem in its Mana Field is matched, it loses a shield, and then {{Ability|Discard|Discards}} a card and Draws a card.
== Event supports ==
Event supports are a means of varying the gameplay with special rules, abilities, restrictions.. They are always invulnerable to having their shields reduced by matching, either by being {{Ability|Resilient}}, and always getting their shields back, or by having infinite shields. Almost all are also invulnerable to destruction by cards and Planeswalker abilities. An exception is the Atogatog support in the [[Seize the Day]].
=== Day and Night===
[[File:Day support.png|200px|right]]
Day and Night supports are like [[#Event supports|Event supports]] in that they are invulnerable (Day and Night cannot be destroyed by any means), automatically added to the [[gem board]], and add special effects to gameplay.
The Day support is always added first: whenever a {{Ability|Transform}} card (that can change back; {{Ability|Disturb}} cards can only Transform into their flip side) is {{Ability|Summon|Summoned}}, or when [[Arlinn, the Pack's Hope]] begins the game, or when [[Teferi, Who Slows the Sunset]] or [[Arlinn Kord]] use their abilities.
[[File: Night support.png|200px|right]]
A {{Ability|Daybound}} card Transforms to its {{Ability|Nightbound}} side if played at Night, or at the end of any player's turn during which no cards were {{Ability|cast}} (which is what makes it become Night).
Anytime it is Night, and a player casts two or more cards during their turn, it becomes Day at the end of that turn.
Either of these changes, from Day to Night or vice versa, trigger {{Ability|Dayshift}} cards, and one of the support cards is replaced by the other.
== Void gems ==
Cards with the {{Ability|Process}} ability require void gems on the board to work.
Matching 3 or more void gems gives:* +1 mana per gem to a card in hand with the {{Ability|Devoid}} ability* No extra mana from any coloured mana bonus* , and +1 loyalty Loyalty. If you have no Devoid cards in hand, matching devoid gems gives no mana. Void gems cannot give extra mana from any coloured mana bonus.
{{Game concepts}}
[[Category:Game mechanics]]

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