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Battle of Four Tribes

2 bytes added, 05:06, 11 August 2018
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==== 5.1 Golden Guardian ====
The Golden Guardians will fully benefit from loyalty gems. They have abilities to replicate themselves and smash the player's planeswalker. Be ready to face a constant flow of large Golems.{{Enemy Stats
|Level=100170|Hit Points=196401|White Mana=+32|Blue Mana=+35|Black Mana=+2|Red Mana=+5
|Green Mana=+2
|Ability 1=WavewardSeventy Times Seventy|Ability 1 Description=Create 2 1/1 blue Merfolk tokens with Hexproof, then increase the mana cost Convert 7 gems of the first spell in your opponent's hand by 2colors to Loyalty gems. Create a 7/7 colorless Golem token.|Ability 1 Cost=615
|Objective 1=Win the Fight.
|Objective 1 Ribbons=1530|Objective 2=Cast 5 Kill 4 or more spellsless creatures.
|Objective 2 Ribbons=3
|Objective 3=Take 30 Win with 20 or more damageless HP.
|Objective 3 Ribbons=2
==== Golden Guardin Deck ====
{{Deck List
|[[Jungleborn PioneerAwakened Amalgam]]|creature|[[Kopala, Warden of WavesWayward Swardtooth]]|creature|[[Mist-Cloaked HeraldBrass's Bounty]]|creaturespell|[[Silvergill AdeptGolden Demise]]|creaturespell|[[Tempest CallerArch of Orazca]]|creaturesupport|[[Dive DownGolden Guardian]]|spellsupport|[[Expel from OrazcaHierophant's Chalice]]|spellsupport|[[Secrets of the Golden CitySorcerous Spyglass]]|spellsupport|[[Deeproot WatersTreasure Map]]|support|[[Jace's SanctumUnclaimed Territory]]|support

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