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Player Mastery is a system introduced in Version 1.5.8 to separate players into Tiers based on their collection size.

When opponents are selected for you to face in events, they will only be selected from within your Tier.

Currently there are 4 Tiers: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum.

Higher tiers give out better rewards (more runes, crystals, and jewels) in events, but feature much stronger competition.

Using cards in Story Mode and Event Battles give those cards experience with each win. Starting in Version 3.2 that experience also counts toward each player's Level.

Once a card is Mastered, you gain Mastery Points for each of the card's colors based on the card's rarity. Colorless cards give 1/2 of the Mastery Points for that rarity, but for all 5 colors. You tier up in each color separately

Once a card is mastered you CANNOT gain any more experience or Mastery Points from that card.

Card Rarity XP Needed to Master Mastery Points Gained
Common 2
Uncommon 4
Rare 8
Mythic Rare 16
Masterpiece 32

When you enter an event, you are placed into the Highest Tier among your colors that is represented by a node in the event.

For Example: If an event has a Red Node, a Green Node, and a Black Node you are placed into the highest tier you have reached between Red, Green, and Black.

Since the PvP competition gets significantly harder each time you tier up it is usually recommended that players do not go out of their way to tier up until they can win matches consistently at their current Tier.