Template:Card List Mini

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The Card List Mini template displays a list of cards in a skinny table, suitable for several card lists appearing side-by-side.

This template is very similar to Template:Deck List Mini. The main difference is that the Card List template provides a much larger upper limit on the number of cards (80 cards).


  • name (optional): The name to show with the card list.
  • show (optional): A comma-separated list of fields for each card to show in the list. Default: "cost,type,rarity". The fields are presented in the fixed order below, and may be one or more of:
    • cost - The cost in mana of the card
    • type - The type of the card, along with P/T for creatures and shields for supports
    • color - The color of the card
    • rarity - The rarity of the card
    • set - The set containing the card
    • legacy - A legacy banner if the card is from a legacy set
  • formatting (optional):
    • Blank (default) makes no changes.
    • "rarity_bg" shades each row according to the rarity of the card.
  • (up to 80 unlabeled parameters): The names of cards in the list.
  • notes (optional): Notes about the card list.


The following shorthand:

{{Card List Mini
|name = Blue cards
|show = cost,type,rarity,color
| Champion of Wits
| Ominous Sphinx
| The Locust God
| Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign
| Vizier of the Anointed
| Endless Sands
| Imaginary Threats
| Kefnet's Last Word
| Riddleform
| Swarm Intelligence


Blue cards 
Champion of Wits · Creatures (2/1) · Blue · Rare 
Ominous Sphinx 22 · Creatures (6/6) · Blue · Rare 
The Locust God 22 · Creatures (8/8) · BlueRed · Mythic 
Unesh, Criosphinx Sovereign 16 · Creatures (8/8) · Blue · Mythic 
Vizier of the Anointed 10 · Creatures (4/6) · Blue · Rare 
Endless Sands 12 · Spells · Colorless · Rare 
Imaginary Threats · Spells · Blue · Rare 
Kefnet's Last Word 11 · Spells · Blue · Rare 
Riddleform · Supports (2) · Blue · Uncommon 
Blue Sun's Zenith · Spells · Blue · Masterpiece