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A Journey Through History

37 bytes added, 20:41, 12 October 2022
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[[A Journey Through History]] is a four chapter set of [[PvE]] events that were launched in May 2018 with the [[Dominaria]] set. Each chapter is run as a [[Legacy]] PvE weekday event, typically with two events being run in the same week.
Unlike other single-player events without charges, in all events in AJTH, winning on a node you've already beaten continues to earn ribbons. So, for example, so it is possible to collect all rewards simply by repeating the first opponent.
A Journey Through History changed from Standard to Legacy in November 2019 (v3.9). Originally, players received a bonus of a particular story-related Dominaria {{Ability|Saga}} card in their hand on the first turn of each node, but the bonus cards were later removed.

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