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306 bytes added, 09:09, 21 October 2022
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|- {{IconAbility|Channel|{{NEO}}|When cards with mana equal to the required Channel value are {{Ability|Exile|Exiled}} from hand, the Channel effect is activated.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Cleave|{{VOW}}|A card with {{Ability|Cleave}} accumulates extra mana up to its {{Ability|Cleave}} value. When the card is cast, its {{Ability|Cleave}} effect is automatically activated if its full cost has been paid. A card with {{Ability|Cleave}} can't have its mana drained or raised.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Compleated|{{DMU}}|Only when cards with Compleated are in hand : each [[Gems#Phyrexian Gems{{Ability|Phyrexian Gem]] }} that is [[matching|matched]] adds an additional 3 mana to the first Compleated card in hand that can gain mana, and the player loses 2 Life.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Connive|{{SNC}}|When a creature with Connive comes into play, the last card in hand is {{Ability|Discard|Discarded}}, a card is drawn, and, if the last card in the graveyard is not a support, the creature gets +1/+1.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Converge|{{BFZ}}|Cards with {{Ability|Converge}} have an effect which scales for each different mana color used to pay for the card.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Outcast|{{VOW}}|A card with {{Ability|Outcast}} must be played on the current turn or it will be {{Ability|Exile|exiled}}. When this card is moved to anywhere other than the battlefield, {{Ability|Exile|exile}} it. At the end of this turn, if this card is not {{Ability|Exile|exiled}}, {{Ability|Exile|exile}} it.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Party|{{ZNR}}|Your {{Ability|Party}} consists of up to one each of a Cleric, Rogue, Warrior, and Wizard amongst creatures and supports you control. {{Ability|Party}} effects on your cards are {{ability|trigger|triggered}} if the corresponding {{Ability|Party}} condition is met. (If a creature or support has more than one party subtype, it only counts as one party member.)}}
|- {{IconAbility|Phyrexian Gem|{{DMU}}|Only when cards with {{Ability|Compleated}} are in hand : each Phyrexian Gem that is [[matching|matched]] adds an additional 3 mana to the first Compleated card in hand that can gain mana, and the player loses 2 Life. Phyrexian Gems are [[Gems#Activated gems|Activated gems]].}}
|- {{IconAbility|Pilot|{{NEO}}|Cards of a given Pilot value may receive effects from other cards; this may be dependent on the Pilot value being equal to or greater than the sources' {{Ability|Crew}} value.}}
|- {{IconAbility|Prevent Damage|''all''|{{Ability|damage|Damage}} effects applied to this creature or Planeswalker, including {{Ability|combat damage}}, are reduced to zero. (Other effects, including {{Ability|Destroy}}, are not prevented.)}}

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