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792 bytes added, 20:22, 18 August 2022
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* The [[gem board]] and [[mana]] system force changes in card design, which in turn makes color principles less strictly applicable.
* Dual color cards can be used by any Planeswalker sharing any one of those colors, so any color-specific mechanics on such cards are more easily accessed.
== In Story ==
Ravnica Guilds, the Clans of Tarkir, and the Shards of Alara, have given their names to the combinations of colors.
Ravnica Guilds:<br>
:{{W|38}}{{U|38}} Azorius: White/Blue
:{{U|38}}{{B|38}} Dimir: Blue/Black
:{{B|38}}{{R|38}} Rakdos: Black/Red
:{{R|38}}{{G|38}} Gruul: Red/Green
:{{G|38}}{{W|38}} Selesnya: Green/White
:{{W|38}}{{B|38}} Orzhov: White/Black
:{{W|38}}{{R|38}} Boros: White/Red
:{{U|38}}{{R|38}} Izzet: Blue/Red
:{{U|38}}{{G|38}} Simic: Blue/Green
:{{B|38}}{{G|38}} Golgari: Black/Green
Clans of Tarkir:<br>
Wedge. Two colors at the "blunt" end opposing one color at the "sharp" end. [[Sarkhan Unbroken]], originally Mardu, joined Temur. [[Narset of the Ancient Way]] is Jeskai.
Shards of Alara:<br>
Arc. An arc of the color wheel.

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