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Training (Story)

160 bytes added, 9 January
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The series begins, on the sets that game developer [[Game history|Hibernum]] brought out, with opponents based on cards, as with the [[Origins (Story)|Origins Story battles]]. Developer [[Game history|Oktagon]] briefly went back to this during the [[XLN]] and [[RIX]] Training, and even had the player play a card avatar in the [[M19]] training, but otherwise, from [[DOM]] onward, the enemies are as the players: L1 Planeswalkers from the associated set.
Players looking for a fast Story game to farm for objectives could do worse than Ixalan (XLN) #3, with its 20 HP opponent and their own 6/5 creature already on the board. Although a creature is the first card in hand, it costs 16, so it is likely the player can win the game without casting it, for "cast no creatures" objectives. Extra swaps are everywhere, but M21 #1 is easy to remember, and DMU #4 (Phyrexian gems) consistently gives a five-swap followed by a three-swap cascade into a second five-swap on the first turn.
There is no training for [[The Brothers' War]] since it introduced no new game mechanics.

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