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Template:Main page calendar

88 bytes removed, 08:19, 25 December 2019
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{{Schedule week row|pre=pvp,7 |Training Grounds |1,1|2,1|3,1|4,1|5,1|6,1|7,1|details=Legacy and Standard}}
{{Schedule week row| Trial of the Planes |2,1|3,1|4,1|5,1|6,1|cols=W,U,B,R,G|start=07:00}}
{{Schedule week row| Challenge of the Courts - Embereth |56,32|start=12:00|cols=R}}{{Schedule week row| Holiday Showdown |2,3|start=12:00}}{{Schedule week row| Nodes of Power |7,1|start=??02:00}}
{{Schedule week row| Rising Tensions: GRN |2,1|4,1|6,1|cols=WR,UR,UB|start=04:00}}
{{Schedule week row| Terrors in the Shadows |8,0|start=?}}
{{Schedule week row| The Dragon War |1,2|start=20:00}}
{{Schedule week row|pre=pve,5 |A Nightmare of War |2,3|start=17:00}}
{{Schedule week row| Space-Time Catastrophe |5,3|start=17:00}}
{{Schedule week row| Planechasing Fblthp |84,02|start=?17:00}}
{{Schedule week row| Routes of Ravnica |1,2|start=08:00}}
{{Schedule week row| Trick or Treat? Return of the God-Pharaoh |86,02|start=?16:00}}
<small>'''Note:''' A full event schedule for the week of 22 December hasn't been published</small>
<small>[[Event_calendar_historical|[Historical weekly event schedules]]]</small>

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