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'''''Beginner Guide'''''
= Objectives =
Power is not your friend. It is your enemy. Fast wins are for [[Training Grounds]] and [[Story]] Mode, and those are quite a small portion of the game.
= Conclusion =
BlackKill Spells. Always. Origins. Always.Origins exceptionsExceptions:
PMA cards are also always Standard.
Binding the Old Gods. Kills supports or creatures, draws a land, kills your own creatures if you have too much power/ kills more of their creatures.
Lifelink. Won't be staying Standard in Black ever. The future is probably therefore White, and making do with Tragic Arrogance. Or just hoping that opponents aren't playing creatureless damage in Bronze, and accepting the losses if they come. Or moving up to higher Tiers when juggling white and black PWs against known Bronze direct damage opponents is not enough. Crutches like Shadowspear and Poet's Quill inevitably move out of Standard and waste Mastery points.
= Mastery =
: 1 point to all colors: Alchemist's Vial
:5oints to all colors:
== Blue ==
:4/54 Blue: Turn to Frog
'''''PWs'''''= [[Ashiok: Optional, Nightmare Muse]] =Draw one dubious: 5 points to all colors: Helm of their cardsthe Gods. However, there is nothing quite like Vigilance, bounce what you can't/don't want to killFirst- or Double-Strike, maybe finish with and Flying on a 30/30 Hexproof unblockable sufficiently big creature. Or just stay safe and ready to Bounce.
====[[Nissa of Shadowed Boughs]]====
== Black==
Mastery/total. Best Source is packs or [[Crafting]] unless otherwise noted.
:2/2 Binding the Old Gods
:8/42 Snuff Out (PMA) - Crystals
:8/50 Unholy Hunger - always $2.50 in Vault
:1+1/56 Colorless: Llanovar Wastes + Yavimaya Coast. Switch to Shivan Reef against a Green opponent.
: Harbinger of the Tides. Bounce, mostly inferior to kill, even with the additional cost. "Greg", the computer opponent, understands cost and will switch to another card efficiently.
:2/ Read the Bones. Draw is not usually the issue. Mana is.
:16/30 Infinite Obliteration. Same goes for Greg, to a certain extent, although the AI infamously cheats very hard with cascades. In any case, Kill wastes Greg's mana and card. Bounce wastes only the mana. Discard wastes only the card. Drain.. forget it.
:4/ Possessed Skaab. Combos with Cruel Revival, as Fleshbag does, and can bring back cards
:8/ Languish. Optional because with that many kill spells, you might not even need it to kill your own creatures for those objectives.
== Blue ==
:4/54 Blue: Turn to Frog
: Harbinger of the Tides. Bounce, mostly inferior to kill, even with the additional cost. "Greg", the computer opponent, understands cost and will switch to another card efficiently.
== Green ==
:4/4 Animist's Awakening
: Conclave Naturalist
: Gather the Pack
: Herald of the Pantheon
: Mantle of Webs
: Sylvan Messenger
Mastery/total. Best Source is packs or [[Crafting]] unless otherwise noted.
:2/2 Binding the Old Gods
:4/6 Cruel Revival
:4/10 Fleshbag Marauder
:8/14 Herald of the Pantheon
:16/30 Infinite Obliteration
Optional: Nissa's Revelation. 20 life. Probably won't need the 5 cards.:8Gaea's Revenge/34 Priest Outland Colossus. Power is your enemy. This is the type of card you are trying to avoid having to use, by staying in Bronze. Also too expensive for Nissa's A3 to pay for. : The Great Aurora. See Languish: Dwynen, Gilt-Leaf Daen. Too expensive for Nissa's A3 to pay for.  == Red ==: Chandra's Ignition. Kill all theirs, spare mine? Sign me up.That's all. Really. Red is a dustbin Wizards of the Coast throw cards rejected by their more favored colors. == White ==White, on the whole, is the antithesis of Red; the love child of WoC. They get everything the other colors have, and other colors usually are barred from getting their stuff. That said, there still isn't much here, because paper Magic is so different. However, in Origins, it is the Blood Riteonly source of Lifelink. : 2/2 Enlightened Ascetic:8/42 Snuff Out (PMA) - Crystals10 Gideon's Phalanx:816/50 Unholy Hunger - always $2.50 in Vault26 Hixus, Prison Warden:4/30 Knightly Valor :1+116/56 Colorless46 Tragic Arrogance: 4/50 War Oracle '''''PWs'''''= [[Ashiok, Nightmare Muse]] =Draw one of their cards, bounce what you can't/don't want to kill, maybe finish with a 30/30 Hexproof unblockable creature. Or just stay safe and ready to Bounce. Llanovar Wastes + Yavimaya Coast. Switch to Shivan Reef against a Green opponent.
====[[Nissa of Shadowed Boughs]]====
Never A1. Sometimes you can just A3 and win, especially since A3 counts as Casting creatures and thus Summoning as well. Otherwise A2 for Summoning creatures and to make enough black for A3 and green for Gather the Pack. Overwrite the Priest if you are really low on life, perhaps, otherwise you will probably want to cast him again and just overwrite or refuse the Demon.
== Tibalt ==
The single turn of damage from A2 is usually much less than the repeated damage from A1 Devils. A3 is usually a bad idea, because you should be able to kill most things before they kill you, but they might kill the opponent before you want them dead.
==<font color="#eecc69">XP==

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