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76 bytes added, 23:14, 2 December 2021
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= <font color="#400099"> Dungeon =
Dungeon of the Mad Mage
{|:| ||I - Yawning Portal : You gain 3 life|||-:|II - Dungeon Level : Draw a card:||III - Goblin Bazaar : Create a Gold token:|-|IV - Twisted Caverns : Disable target opposing creature until the beginning of your next turn:||V - Lost Level : Pick one of the first 2 cards from your library. Fetch that card. It gains 4 mana:|-|VI - Runestone Caverns : Pick one of the first 2 cards from your library. Then: drain X mana from your hand. X is equal to half that card's base mana cost. If you do: Fetch that card. It gains full mana. Otherwise: Exile the first 2 cards from your library.:||VII - Muiral's Graveyard : Create 3 Skeleton tokens:|-|VIII - Deep Mines : Pick one of the first 3 cards from your library. Fetch that card. It gains 6 mana:||IX - Mad Wizard's Lair : Draw up to 3 cards. Then: Pick one of the first 4 cards in your hand. That card gains full mana|}

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