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355 bytes added, 22:44, 20 December 2021
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= <font color="#00bb77">Objectives =
<font color="#00eedd">
Power is not your friend. It is your enemy. Fast wins are for [[Training Grounds|<font color="#00bb77">Training Grounds]]<font color="#00eedd"> and [[Story|<font color="#00bb77">Story]]<font color="#00eedd"> Mode, and those are quite a small portion of the game[[Portal:Events|<font color="#00bb77">Events]]<font color="#00eedd">.
= <font color="#00bb77">Lanes =
= [[Mastery|<font color="#00bb77">Mastery]]<font color="#00eedd"> =
:''See [[XP|<font color="#00bb77">XP]]<font color="#00eedd">''
Mastery is also our enemy. Bronze now features many opponents who know this, and tailored their decks to stay in Bronze and kill the noobs. Be equal to them, lose to them, doesn't matter; it's is still better than facing the much greater number of excellent players who not only tailor their decks, but have access to cards you may never own.
= <font color="#00bb77">Conclusion =
Binding the Old Gods. Kills supports or creatures, draws a land, kills your own creatures if you have too much power/ kills more of their creatures.
Lifelink. Won't be staying Standard in Black ever. The future is probably therefore White+X [[Portal:Planeswalkers|<font color="#00bb77">Planeswalkers]]<font color="#00eedd">, and making do with Tragic Arrogance. Or just hoping that opponents aren't playing creatureless damage in Bronze, and accepting the losses if they come. Or moving up to higher Tiers when juggling white and black PWs against known Bronze direct damage opponents is not enough. Crutches like Shadowspear and Poet's Quill inevitably move out of Standard and waste Mastery points.
=<font color="#00bb77"> Mastery =
<font color="#00eedd">
 == [[Colorless |<font color=="#00bb77">Colorless]]<font color="#00eedd">==
:5 points to all colors: The five Origins lands
: 4/50 War Oracle
'''''PWs'''''=[[Portal:Planeswalkers|<font color="#00bb77">Planeswalkers]]<font color="#00eedd">=None of these follow the rule of White Always which is the only Bronze-stable future.
== [[Ashiok, Nightmare Muse|<font color="#00bb77">Ashiok, Nightmare Muse]]<font color="#00eedd"> ==
Draw one of their cards, bounce what you can't/don't want to kill, maybe finish with a 30/30 Hexproof unblockable creature. Or just stay safe and ready to Bounce.
Llanovar Wastes + Yavimaya Coast. Switch to Shivan Reef against a Green opponent.
== [[Nissa of Shadowed Boughs|<font color="#00bb77">Nissa of Shadowed Boughs]] ==
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Never A1. Sometimes you can just A3 and win, especially since A3 counts as Casting creatures and thus Summoning as well. Otherwise A2 for Summoning creatures and to make enough black for A3 and green for Gather the Pack. Overwrite the Priest if you are really low on life, perhaps, otherwise you will probably want to cast him again and just overwrite or refuse the Demon.
== [[Tibalt, Cosmic Impostor|<font color="#00bb77">Tibalt, Cosmic Impostor]] ==
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The single turn of damage from A2 is usually much less than the repeated damage from A1 Devils. A3 is usually a bad idea, because you should be able to kill most things before they kill you, but they might kill the opponent before you want them dead.
== [[Kaya, the Inexorable|<font color="#00bb77">Kaya, the Inexorable]] ==
<font color="#00eedd">
Very nice bag of tricks. Haven't played with her yet. Serra has been enough so far, but my analysis of Black indicates that it would be foolish to remain mono white.

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