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Heroic Encounters

628 bytes added, 07:17, 16 September 2022
no edit summary
== Heroic — Chandra ==
The first battle has zero creatures. Don't make It is the only one that is all spells; the mistake rest use powerful creatures and Call of bringing no creature removal the Full Moon to make the second battle, though; there are manyfirst one a Berserker.
The second battle has mutually exclusive objectives.
=== Battle 3 ===
:<small><small><small>Starting Creature : Hangarback Walker: Starting Supports : Pyromancer's Goggles. Call of the Full Moon<small></small></small></small></small>
{{Objective table header}}
{{Deck List
|Abbott Abbot of Keral Keep
|Call of the Full Moon
=== Battle 4 ===
:<small><small><small>Starting Creature : Avaricious Dragon: Starting Supports : Call of the Full Moon. Flameshadow Conjuring<small></small></small></small></small>
{{Objective table header}}
{{Deck List
|Avaricious Dragon|Call of the Full Moon|Demolish |Embermaw Hellion |Flameshadow Conjuring|Infectious Bloodlust |Iroas's Champion |Scab-Clan Berserker |Sword of the Animist|Titan's Strength
=== Battle 5 ===
:<small><small><small>Starting Creature : Zendikar Incarnate<small></small></small></small></small>
{{Objective table header}}
{{Deck List
|Abbot of Keral Keep|Avaricious Dragon|Call of the Full Moon|Demolish|Exquisite Firecraft |Flameshadow Conjuring|Iroas's Champion|Jayemdae Tome|Magmatic Insight |Zendikar Incarnate

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